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A young woman was thrown against the wall of her cell by a burly guard. She looked up as she heard footsteps down the corridor, wiping blood from her lips. Another woman, cloaked almost entirely in shadows, smiled twistedley down at her. "You." Hissed the prisoner. "Now, now, Natalia, is that any way to treat an old friend?" The woman's sly, curling tone turned to one of mock hurt. "Let me out and I'll really show you how I should treat you for what you've done." Growled Natalia, grabbing the bars. The other woman made a tisk-tisk noise and thrummed her long, blood red nails against the bars, forcing Natalia's hands off. "I think you'll change your mind when you hear my offer." She said in a sing-song voice. "I'll never join you, Maeve. Just accept it." Natalia said, shoving her hands in her once pristine, now grimy pockets. Maeve frowned, her beautiful face darkening. "I told you. Not to call me that." Her playful tone and demeanor gone. She composed herself. "It's just the Sorceress, darling, a much better title to fit my power." The Sorceress said with a smile. "A much better title to fit your ego, more like." Shot back Natalia. The Sorceress's eyes flashed for a moment. "Anyway, if you really want to stay in this cell forever-" "Wait!" The Sorceress smiled to herself. For all of Natalia's brave face, a woman of such class could always break into desperation. "Wait? But for what? It's obvious that you much prefer this dirty cell to your mansion." She said, arching a perfect brow. "No! I- I mean,-what's your offer anyway?" The Sorceress smiled. "Now we're getting somewhere."

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