Chapter Three

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After the incident, the four siblings and Mara decided to go outside and enjoy the fresh air. Mara was sketching in her sketchbook underneath a tree while Lucy sat next to her, reading a book. Susan, Peter, and Edmund were playing cricket a few feet away. Mara didn't catch anything from what Peter was saying but when she heard Edmund say 'ow', she guessed that Peter must've threw the ball at him, hitting him. She looked up to see Edmund arguing with Peter. She watched as Peter winded up then threw the ball at Edmund, causing Edmund to hit the ball. Her eyes followed the ball and winced when it hit the window. The group went to go check on the damage. Peter turned to Edmund and said to him, "Well done, Ed." Mara said to Peter, sticking up for Edmund, "You had a hand in it too, Peter, so don't you dare put all the blame on him." Peter stared at the blonde hair girl in shock as she crossed her arms and glared at him. Mrs. McCready's voice had caused the group to stare at each other with fear. Susan said, "The McCready!!" Mara said, as they ran out of the room, "Let's go!!" The group ran out of the room and tried to get into every room, with Mara trying to open of the doors only for them to turn up locked. Mara got an idea and said to them, "Come on, I have an idea."

She knew that they weren't going to be happy about it but it would hopefully save them from the wrath of Mrs. McCready. The group ran into a room and turned to see the wardrobe. Susan said to Mara, exasperated, "You can't be serious!!" Mara opened her mouth to reply but turned to see Lucy opening the wardrobe. They had no choice but to go inside of the wardrobe, of course with the arguing. Mara said, feeling someone step on her foot, "Ouch, hey! That was my foot!" Peter replied, "Sorry, that was me." Mara stepped back and let out a squeak when she felt something poke her back. She turned to see a branch with snow then saw that it was the forest that Lucy was talking about.

Unknown to her, her lion necklace glowed a bright gold light, reflecting in the sunlight. The girl stepped aside as the siblings made their way out of the wardrobe. Susan said, as they stepped out of the wardrobe, "Impossible." Lucy said, with a smirk, "Don't worry. I'm sure it's a figure of your imagination." Peter said to his little sister, "I don't suppose that saying we're sorry would quite cover it." While the siblings conversed, Mara was still looking around in awe. Lucy replied, with her hands behind her back, "No, it wouldn't." Then, a snowball fight broke out. Of course, Mara was a few feet away from it so she didn't get hit the snowballs. Edmund complained, as a snowball hit him, "Stop it." Peter reprimanded, stepping over to Edmund, "You little liar!" Mara turned to see Peter to what seemed to her, sizing up Edmund. Edmund said, backing away from his older brother, "You didn't believe her either." Peter said, getting angry, "Apologize to Lucy!"

Mara stepped between the two brothers, crossing her arms at Peter. The two brothers stared at the girl in shock. Mara said to Peter, "That is enough, Peter. Don't you see how scared you are making Edmund feel right now? I think you've reprimanded him enough." She dares Peter to stand up to her. During the time the siblings had stayed, she was tired of seeing Peter on Edmund's case all the time. The young boy was still not over the fact that his father was gone in a war. People grieve differently than others. Susan, Edmund, and Lucy watched the interaction with fear on their faces. Mara continued, "You need to take a step back a bit and stop trying to be a father figure. That is not your job. I get it, I didn't grow up with parents and with that figure in my life."

Peter was still in shock, he didn't realize what he doing was wrong. Mara said, giving Peter a small smile, "I think Edmund knows that he was in the wrong. *She turned to the younger boy* Don't you, Edmund?" Edmund nodded and said to Lucy, "I'm sorry, Lucy." Susan said, "Shouldn't we head back?" Edmund said, causing everyone to look at him, "We should at least take a look around." Peter said, turning to Lucy, "I think Lucy should decide." Lucy replied, smiling, "I'd like you all to meet Mr. Tumnus." Peter grinned and said, "Well, Mr. Tumnus it is then."

The dirty blonde haired boy started to hand out coats to his siblings, seeing that there was snow in Narnia and it was freezing. He went to go give Mara a coat but she was still looking around. Susan said, grabbing her friend's attention, "Mara, come get a coat or you'll catch a cold and freeze to death!" Mara shaked away from her thoughts and took the coat from Peter, smiling at him. At this time, Susan noticed Mara's glowing necklace. Susan said, gasping, "Mara! Your necklace, it's glowing!" Mara looked down at her necklace, her hand instinctively going to hold it. She watched as it glowed then turned to look at the siblings. Lucy led her siblings and their friend to Mr. Tumnus' house, stopping to see the door opened, as if someone had broken in. She whispered, running into the house, "Oh, no!" Peter said, running after her with his other siblings and Mara, "Lucy, wait!!" Lucy said, as she looked around, "Who would do something like this?" Mara looked around the house and found a note on a wooden post.

She took it off and began to read it. She read aloud, as Peter came to her side with Susan and Edmund, "The faun is hereby charged with High Treason against Her Imperial Majesty, Jadis, Queen of Narnia for comforting her enemies and fraternizing with humans. Signed Maugrim, Captain of the Secret Police." Peter read the last part aloud, "Long live the Queen." Susan said, "Alright, now we should really go back." Lucy replied, "Are you serious? Mr. Tumnus has been taken by the White Witch. You don't understand, do you? I'm the human. She must've found out he helped me." Peter suggested, "Maybe we should call the police." Mara said, throwing her arms in the air with the note still in her hand, "These are the police, Peter. In case you haven't noticed by now." The blonde haired girl turned to Lucy, seeing that she was upset. She went to her side and said to her, wrapping her arms around her, "Don't worry, Lucy. Everything will turn out okay. We'll find him." Part of her was still uncertain about her reassurance, she still thought all of this was a joke. Edmund replied to Mara, "Why should we? I mean, he's a criminal." Mara didn't have an answer for Edmund. The silence was interrupted when someone had 'pssted' at the group. Susan said, confused and freaked out, "Did that bird just 'psst' us?"

Peter took the lead and walked outside to investigate, with the others right behind him. The bird flew off when a twig had snapped, startling Mara. The group stepped closer while Mara stayed behind. Her eyes widened when she heard the sound of footsteps come close to them. Suddenly, a beaver appeared, making Mara let out a squeak. Susan turned to her friend with her eyebrow raised. Lucy said, causing Susan to roll her eyes, "It's a beaver." The beaver came closer to the group, making Peter stick his hand out like you would to encourage a cat or dog. He said, clicking his tongue, "Here, boy. Here boy." The beaver said, causing Mara to squeak again, "I ain't gonna smell it if that's what you want." Peter replied, taking his hand back, "Sorry." The beaver turned to Lucy and said, looking at her with uncertainty, "Lucy Pevensie?" Lucy replied, nodding shyly, "Yes?" The beaver held out a hankie to the girl. Lucy immediately recognized it and slowly took it. She said, looking at the hankie, "It's the hankie that I gave to Mr. Tum-......" The beaver said, nodding, "Tumnus. He got it to me before they took them." Mara spoke up, her fear subsiding slightly, "Who do you mean by 'they'?"

The beaver whispered, making sure that no one was around, "Further in." The group went to follow him, with Peter taking the lead. Mara, however, pulled Peter back and whispered, "What are you doing?" Edmund said, agreeing with Mara, "She's right. How do we know we can trust him?" Peter replied, shrugging his shoulders, "He says that he knows the faun." Susan said, agreeing with her younger brother and friend, "He's a beaver! He shouldn't be saying anything!" Seeing that Lucy was still following the beaver, they gave up the argument and followed the two.

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