Chapter Four

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The kids and the beaver passed through the forest just as the sun started to set. They arrived at Mr. Beaver's house. Mr. Beaver said, causing Mara to smile slightly, "Blimey. Looks like the old girl has got the kettle on. Nice cup o' Rosy Lee." A female voice said, grabbing the kids' attention, "Beaver, is that you? I've been worried sick! If I find out you've been out with Badger again, I......" A beaver had stepped out of the house and stopped when her eyes landed on the children. She said, fussing over her fur, "Oh, those aren't badgers. You couldn't give me a ten minute warning?" Mr. Beaver replied, making the children chuckle, "I would have given you a week if I thought it would have helped." Mrs. Beaver began to lead the children inside and said, "Oh, come inside and we'll see if we can get you some food." The children walked inside, taking off their coats. Peter took off his coat then helped Mara with hers, smiling. He said, as he sat at the table between Susan and Mara, "Is there anything we can do to help Tumnus?" Mr Beaver replied, sighing, "They'll have taken him into the Witch's house. You know what they say. There's a few that go through them gates that come back again." Mara said, chuckling nervously, "Actually, no, we don't." Mrs. Beaver said, placing a plate down in front of Lucy, "Fish 'n' chips. But there is hope, dear. Lots of hope."

Mara's face crunched up at the sight and smell of fish. As much as she tried to be polite and cover up her disgust, she just couldn't hold it in. Susan noticed at her friend's scrunched up face and snickered. Mr. Beaver said, nodding excitedly, "Oh, yeah, there's a right bit more than hope! *His voice lowered to a whisper* Aslan and Aria are on the move." Mara said, confused, "Who are Aslan and Aria?" Mr. Beaver said, laughing, "'Who are Aslan and Aria?' You cheeky little blighter!" Mrs. Beaver noticed that the girl was being serious and smacked her husband to get his attention. Mr. Beaver said, looking at his wife, "What?" Mrs. Beaver nodded at the girl then at the other children. Mr. Beaver said, "You don't know, do you?" Peter replied, glancing at his siblings and friend, "Well, we haven't exactly been here that very long." Mr. Beaver said, "Well, they're only the King and Queen of the whole wood. And Amara's mother and father." Mara replied, creeped out, "How do you know my name?" Mr. Beaver continued, "The top two geezers. The real King and Queen of Narnia, with Amara as the Princess of Narnia, the heir to the throne." Lucy said, turning to Mara, "You're a princess and you never told us?" Mara replied, "Well, to be fair, I don't exactly know my parents or their origins, Lucy." Mrs. Beaver said, "They've been away for a long while." Mr. Beaver said, "But they have just got back and they're waiting for you at the Stone Table!" Lucy replied, "He's waiting for us?" Mr. Beaver said, exasperated, You're blooming joking?! *He turned to his wife* They don't even know about the prophecy!" Mrs. Beaver replied, "Well, then......" Mr. Beaver said, "Look. Aslan and Aria's return......Tumnus' arrest......the Secret all happening because of you!" Mara replied, offended as she looked at her four friends, "You're blaming us?!" Mrs. Beaver replied, "No! Not blaming. Thanking you." Mr. Beaver said, "There's a prophecy. When Adam's flesh and Adam's bone and the Great Lion and Lioness' daughter sits at Cair Paravel in throne, evil time will be over and done." Susan replied, "That doesn't exactly rhyme."

Mara nodded, she had to agree with Susan on that one. It just didn't make sense to her. Mr. Beaver said, sighing, "Yeah, I know it don't. You're kinda missing the point!" Mrs. Beaver said, motioning to each of the siblings then to Mara, "It has been long foretold that the two sons of Adam and the two daughters of Eve will bring back the Princess of Narnia." Lucy grinned at Mara who just stared at the younger girl. Mrs. Beaver said, "Yes! And together, you will defeat the White Witch and bring peace back to Narnia!" Peter replied, glancing at Mara, "And you think that we're the ones?" Mr. Beaver nodded and said, "Well, you better be, cos Aslan and Aria's already fitted out your army." Lucy said, surprised, "Our army?" Mr. Beaver smiled and nodded. Susan whispered to Peter, leaning over to him, "Mum sent us away so we wouldn't get caught up in a war." Peter had to agree with his sister and said, looking at the beavers, "I think you have made a mistake. We're not heroes." Susan said, nodding, "We're from Finchley!" The two beavers looked at each other, confused and exasperated. Susan said, standing up, "Thank you for your hospitality but we really have to go." Mr. Beaver replied, as Mara began to follow Susan, "You can't just leave!"

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