Chapter Eight

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That evening, Aslan and Aria laid on a rock on the cliff as they watched their subjects enjoy the feast and celebrations. Their eyes landed on their daughter who was dancing with Peter, giggling and smiling. Not far from the two friends; Susan, Edmund (who had returned from being captured by the White Witch), and Lucy danced in a circle, holding hands. Aria said to her mate, "I worry for Amara, Aslan. *Aslan turned to her* What if the prophecy doesn't come true? What if this isn't enough?" Aslan replied, placing his paw on top of Aria's, "We have to have hope and keep faith." Aria sighed but nodded at her mate, turning her eyes back to watch her daughter. With Mara, Mara laughed as Peter spun her around. Peter then led her out of the dancing circle and towards a tree. Mara said, confused, "Peter, where are we going?" Peter replied, "Away from all of the noise."

The two friends sat underneath the tree as they watched the stars in the sky. Mara said, smiling at the sight, "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Peter replied, sighing in content, "Yeah, it is." He took a deep breath, he knew that this was the right moment. Peter said, turning to Mara, "Listen, Mara. Ever since I met you at the professor's, I felt like we had this connection. You made me realize that I was doing things wrong and I didn't know that I was. During this journey, it has made me realize that life is too short to take things for granted. So, I have to ask you. Will you be my girlfriend?" Mara replied, smiling, "Awe, of course, I will." Peter grinned then brought his girlfriend into a kiss. Unknown to them, Aslan and Aria had witnessed the special moment with smiles on their faces.

The next day, everyone was rushing around camp as they prepared for the battle that was going to happen soon. Peter and Mara were sitting next to each other as they conversed with each other. Susan and Edmund were playing a game of chess while Lucy watched. Aria laid underneath a nearby tree, watching the children as she enjoyed the fresh air, with her head between her paws. Aslan was in the tent, figuring out a game plan. Suddenly, angry shouts and insults had caught the group's attention. Peter and Mara turned to see what the commotion was all about and saw the White Witch being carried on a chair like throne, with her people around her. Aria instantly stood up and went to her daughter's side. She said to her, with a low growl, "Stay close to me, Mara." Mara looked at her lioness mother then nodded. She turned back to the woman who had stolen her parents' throne. The witch's chair was lowered to the ground, allowing her to stand. Aslan had stepped out of the tent when he heard the commotion. Jadis said to Aslan, "You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan." Aslan replied, "His offence was not against you." Jadis said, with a slight smirk, "Have you forgotten the laws Narnia was built upon?" Aslan growled and replied, "Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch! I was there when it was written!!"

Mara gulped, in the time of knowing her father, she wished she had never seen him angry. Jadis said, turning to look at Edmund, "Then, you know that every traitors belong to me. His blood is my property." Peter got his sword out, going to stand in front of his younger brother, and replied, "Try and take him then!" The rest of the Narnians followed Peter's action, their weapons raised. Mara went to go to Peter's side but Aria stopped her. Jadis said, turning to Peter, "Don't think that mere force will deny me my right, little king. *She turned back to Aslan them looked at Aria, her eyes landing on Mara* Aslan and Aria know that if I don't have blood as the law demands......*She turned to address the rest of the Narnians* All of Narnia will be overturned and perish with walls of fire and water! *She turned to point at Edmund* That boy will die! At the Stone Table, as is tradition." Aria moved to stand in front of Edmund and growled. She said to Jadis, as Mara came to stand next to Peter, "You will keep your distance from him, you monster!" Jadis replied, scoffing, "You know the laws as well as I, Aria. I cannot be denied." She turned to Aslan and said, "You dare not refuse me?" Aslan replied, growling, "Enough! I shall talk with you, alone. *He turned to his mate* Aria, come." Aria glanced at the children then at her daughter before following her mate into the tent, with Jadis behind her.

It seemed like forever since Aslan led Aria and Jadis into his tent. Mara began to pace while the four siblings sat on the ground. Jadis stepped out of the tent, making everyone to turn to her. After a few moments, Aria and Aslan stepped out. Mara turned to see that there were tear stains on her mother's fur. She wondered what had happened to cause her mother to get all emotional. Aslan said to everyone, "She has renounced her claim on the Son of Adam!" Everyone cheered as Edmund sighed in relief and his siblings wrapped their arms around him, as did Mara. Jadis was walking to her chair and turned back to the lions. She said, looking at Aslan, "How do I know that your promise will be kept?" Aslan let out a powerful roar, causing the woman to sit down in her chair. The Narnians cheered again and laughed as the Witch left with her followers in tow.

Mara watched as her father went back to his tent while her mother walked off somewhere, with her ears flat and her tail low. Peter noticed his girlfriend looking at her parents, noticing a change in Aria. He said to her, "What do you think is wrong?" Mara replied, shrugging her shoulders, "I'm not sure but I plan to find out." Mara changed into her lioness form, running after her mother. She stopped in her tracks when she saw her mother laying by the river with her head and paws hanging over the edge. She noticed that the lioness' ears were flat. The young lioness inched closer to her mother, careful not to startle her. She whispered, grabbing her mother's attention, "Mum?" Aria turned her head to see her daughter then tears fell down her cheeks. Mara inched closer to her mother, lowering her head down to her mother. When Aria looked back at her, Mara gave her mother a smile. Aria wrapped her paw around her daughter, pulling her to her, nuzzling her. Mara could only wonder what had gotten her mother's emotions all bent out of shape. From afar, Aslan watched his mate and daughter with a look of sorrow.

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