Chapter Nine

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The next day, Mara woke up to hear the sounds of running and rushed voices. She was back in her human form after spending the night with her mother. The young girl turned when someone ran into her tent. She looked at the person with confusion, realizing it was Peter. Peter had a look of sadness on his face as he stared at his girlfriend. He couldn't bring himself to tell her that her father was killed at the Witch's hands. As Peter began to tell Mara about what happened to Aslan, Mara dropped to her knees and began to sob. Peter then dropped next to his girlfriend, wrapping his arms around her. His heart broke for Mara, she had just found her parents and now she had just lost one of them. Edmund ran into the tent, stopping when he saw his brother with Mara, and said to him, "We're ready when you are, Peter. Just waiting on your order." Peter glanced down at Mara, seeing her vulnerability. Something in Mara had cracked, she wanted revenge for her father's death. She said to Peter, wiping her tears from her eyes, "I'm coming with you." Peter replied, standing, "No, Mara. It's dangerous." Another voice said, causing the children to turn to see Aria, "You are not going anywhere near that battlefield, Amara." Mara said, confused, "Mum?" Aria walked over to her daughter and said to her, "I've already lost your father to that monster. I couldn't bear it if I lost you. I just got you back, Mara. *Her voice cracked* It would kill me if I lost you again."

Mara stared at her mother in shock, she didn't know how to respond to that. She knelt down in front of the lioness, placing her hand on Aria's cheek. Mara replied, "This is something I have to do, Mum. I have the chance to avenge Dad's death. *She looked straight into Aria's eyes* And I will take that chance." Aria sighed, she knew that Mara had Aslan's determination and stubbornness. She knew that she couldn't keep Mara from avenging Aslan. Aria said, sighing, "Just promise me one thing. Be careful. *Mara nodded with a slight smile on her face*" Mara wrapped her arms around her mother's neck, burrowing her head into her mother's fur. She took in her mother's scent, as if it was her last time. Peter and Edmund looked at each other with sadness.

After getting ready and getting the army prepared; Aria, Peter, Mara, and Edmund led their army to battle. Mara sat on her horse next to Peter with Oreius by their side. Aria stood with Edmund with the archers. Jadis and her army came into their view, causing all the Narnians to ready their weapons. Since Mara was the Princess of Narnia, Peter decided that it was her that should be the one to lead the battle. Mara slightly cringed at the sight of Jadis' army but shaked it off. She rose her sword, when the enemy was running towards them. The rest of the Narnians followed their princess. Mara shouted, "For Narnia! For Aslan!!" The Narnians repeated her with pride as she pointed her sword towards the enemy's army. They then went off into battle, with their battle cries. Peter turned to Mara, noticing that she was going towards Jadis' direction, and said to her, as he stabbed an enemy, "Mara, what do you think you're doing?!" Mara replied, jumping off of her horse, "You have to trust me, Peter!! I know what I'm doing!" Peter was about to protest but watched as Mara turned into her lioness form. Mara ran through the battle, dodging every blow that came at her.
From the cliffs, Aria watched her daughter worriedly. Edmund turned to look at Aria and said to her, "Mara will be alright, Your Majesty. You just have to trust her." Aria looked at the young boy then turned back to watch her daughter. She couldn't help but feel pride as the young lioness jumped over Jadis's army, pushing them down to the ground with her back paws.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Peter called a retreat, seeing that they were outnumbered. Mara ignored her boyfriend's orders, continuing her way to Jadis. She heard Peter's call for her but ignored them. Jadis saw that Aslan and Aria's daughter was coming towards her and stepped out of her carriage. It was time that she had faced the young lioness. Mara made it to Jadis and began to circle her. Jadis said, "At last, we come face to face, Great Young Lioness. It is an honor." Mara growled at her, "It would be my honor to end your life like you ended my father's, you monster!!" If Jadis didn't know better, she could have mistaken Mara for Aslan. Jadis said, unfazed, "He knew what he was getting himself into, Princess. Your father know that I would have blood either way." From afar, Aslan and Peter's sisters had arrived at the battle. Lucy said, pointing at Mara and Jadis' direction, "Oh, no! There's Mara!!" Aslan's eyes moved to his daughter to see her circling the Witch. He said to the girls, "Hold on tight!" He let out a roar then ran down to the battlefield. Aria turned at the sound of her mate's roar, smiling in relief when she saw her mate. She shouted, grabbing his attention, "Aslan!!! Mara!" He knew what she meant and ran down to her. Aria said, as Susan and Lucy got off of his back, "She wouldn't back down from avenging you. I tried but she wouldn't." Aslan replied, "I will take care of it, my love. *He turned to the girls* Girls, stay with Aria."

He then ran down to the battlefield, saving Peter along the way from getting killed. His attention turned back to his daughter to see her confronting Jadis. Mara went to pounce on Jadis but before she could, Jadis used her spear to stab Mara. While it froze others, it didn't freeze Mara. Mara let out a painful roar, while Aria let out a saddened roar who has watched Jadis stab her daughter. Aslan growled as his daughter dropped to the ground, with a stab wound in her stomach. Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy screamed out Mara's name, with Peter screaming the loudest. Before Jadis could finish what she started, Aslan jumped out of nowhere and pounced on the Witch. Peter's eyes widened as time seemed to slow down when Aslan killed Jadis. Aslan turned back to Peter and said to him, "It is done." At this time; Aria, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy ran towards Peter and Aslan.

The four siblings were in a group hug while Aslan and Aria nuzzled each other. Susan said, noticing that Mara wasn't there, "Wait, where's Mara?" Aria gasped and began to frantically look around for her beloved cub. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Mara on the ground by a rock, breathing slowly with a bloodied stab wound. Aria said, running to Mara, "Mara!" The others had heard her shout and ran towards them. Aria ran to her daughter's side, laying down next to her. Mara's eyes opened to see a blurry vision of her mother and whispered, "Mummy?" Aria whispered, placing her paw on Mara, "Yes, I'm here, my beloved, brave, little cub. Mummy's here." Mara whispered, "Is it done? Did we win? Is she dead?" Aslan stepped forward and said, leaning his head towards Mara's, "Yes, it is, my darling." Mara whispered, confused, "Daddy? But, I thought that......Peter said that......" Aslan said, "Yes, well, I am back. The Witch had failed." Susan nudged Lucy, nodding her towards the lions.

Lucy ran over to the lion family and knelt down to Mara. Lucy said, "I know I used this once but I can use it again. You will live if you drink this, Mara." Mara whispered, whimpering from the pain, "I can't. Mummy, it hurts." Peter's heart broke at the sight of his girlfriend in pain, even in her lioness form. Aria whispered, nuzzling her daughter, "I know it does, my little cub, but you'll feel better if you drink the liquid." Aslan nodded at his mate and said to his daughter, leaning down to nuzzle her too, "Your mother is right, love. You are my strong cub, you can do it." Mara glanced around, seeing everyone giving her an encouraging smile, then drank the liquid.

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