Coffee shop AU

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The bell above the door rang. The chatter of the shop nearly drowned out the sound.

Ender turned to the door, a bright smile on his usually stoic face.

"Welcome to Dragon n' Rabbit."

A man looked at him, giving him a small, half-hearted wave while his friend-- a regular here-- dragged him to a table.

Ender finished the cup he was making and brought it to a table in the back of the shop. One who had ordered only a few minutes ago.

"Here you go, sir. Black. Just the way you asked." He said, putting on his best waiter smile.

The man, well into his fifties, looked up at Ender.
"Thank you, ah..." He glanced down at Ender's nametag. "Andrew. This is all for now."

Ender nodded.
"Yes, please enjoy."

Ender turned on his heel, adjusting his apron. He hadn't tied it correctly this morning, so naturally hours later, it was becoming a little loose on him.

The regular who's name Ender never got around to learning, motioned for Ender to come to their table.

"What would you like today, sir? Your usual?"

He nodded. "Yeah, and for this guy, can you whip up the same thing but with less sugar?" He asked, jabbing his thumb in the general direction of his much taller friend.

Ender smiled his usual smile, writing down the order on his notepad.
"Of course. It'll be over in a few."

Ender turned to walk away, but a hand caught his sleeve. It was the taller man.

"Are you Ender?"

Ender froze in his place. Only two people should have known who was behind that pseudonym and neither of them was this man.

"Bea- Julian!" said his friend in a hushed whisper. "What on Earth do you think you're doing?"

Ender smiled again and turned to face them.

"Do you mean that guy on the nets? No, I think you have the wrong person."

"You're lying to me. I'm positive you're him."

Ender racked his brain for anything he could have said or done that could have given him away, but he came up empty.

This person had information he wasn't supposed to have.

"I think I would know if I were that famous. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have your coffee to make."

He yanked his sleeve out of the man-- no, Julian's grasp.

"Ender, that's not why I'm here."

"That's why I'm here!" said the regular.

Ender internally groaned. If he kept using that name in public it would ruin the calm atmosphere of the coffee shop.

Ender turned back to him. He leaned down until their faces were level.
"I know what you're doing and I'm warning you, don't. If it spread that I was Ender it would-"

"Ruin the illusion of a politic free life you've created for yourself?"

There would be no getting to him.
"Fine, then. I'll talk to you, but only after my shift. Come back in a few hours."

"No. Join me for coffee."

Ender regarded him for a very long time. Was he joking? No, not likely, considering that he was using information against me.
But he can't be serious.

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