Ender, Parenting

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Small note before the story starts:
This chapter will feature Olhado, Ela, Miro, Grego, Quim, and Quara as Ender's adopted children.

In this chapter, they stay on Earth and Ender doesn't go through his trauma.

*spoilers* It will NOT feature their mother Noviniah, or young Peter and Val.

I highly recommend reading the rest of the Enderverse series before continuing with this chapter.

Mkay, now, have fun reading.

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Until recently, Ender hadn't ever considered his life to be unfulfilled in any way. He had a job he enjoyed and a few other hobbies to keep him occupied.

But not too long ago, Ender's sister Valentine pulled him aside during one of his holiday visits to her house.

"I see how you play with Ro and Varsam, Ender. You're very good with them. When are you going to get married?" She had asked.

Ender had replied the only way he could.
"There isn't anyone like that for me."

And it was true. Ender hadn't been looking for a wife. Even at twenty-five years of age, the only people who remained close to Ender were Valentine and her children.

His parents weren't stable enough anymore for Ender to be close to them, and he and his brother, Peter, never did get along.

It was unfortunate, but it was how his life had played out. There was hardly anything special about Ender. He had lived his life peacefully up until then.

It took a lot of effort to convince himself that was the case. In his own mind, he already felt worn down and jaded, like he had fought some great war in a far off galaxy. However, when he looked back, he saw nothing of particular interest to anybody, much less himself.

That's why Ender actually considered the possibility of a family. It wasn't because he necessarily wanted one. In fact, Ender more wanted to focus on his work. It was only because Ender felt it was time, that he kept it close to the front if his mind.

He had been dormant too long, and now it was time to move along in life.

Ender went on several dates with several different girls, and when he didn't like any of them, he tried going on dates with men. It wasn't any better.

He gained many friends, but no love interests.

It was about a year or so of dating before Ender finally gave up. He had been dragged through too much now, and he was ready to try a different approach.

So he started looking for a new house to move into. One big enough for a family.

He didn't look for much. He figured a four-bedroom, three-bath, would be just as good as any.

He didn't necessarily care about the neighborhood. Anywhere within his range would be wealthy enough to be peaceful, so he didn't really look into it.

Eventually, he settled with a quiet four-bed, two-bath on the corner of a small neighborhood, two blocks away from a baseball field and an old park.

It wasn't as nice as Ender had hoped, but it was nice enough. That, and it was the house closest to the main city, where Ender figured would be a good place to go for fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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