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Ender looked outside, curious as to why there were so many cars. Today wasn't anyone's birthday and it wasn't a holiday, so why were there cars piled up in their driveway? Where were all the people who drove those cars? They certainly weren't in Ender's house.

"There's a party going on in the neighbors house, Ender, that's why there are so many cars. You should join them. Maybe they'd keep you."

Ender looked at his older brother. He was snacking crudely on goldfish that mother and father had bought for Ender yesterday.
"I'm sure that would be a relief to you, Peter, since I always bother you so much."

"You do. Have you ever smelled your laundry?" He covered his mouth and made a gagging noise. "I'm gonna throw up just thinking about it and it will land all over you."

"It's a house warming party, right?" Ender asked, not wanting to continue this line of conversation.

Peter nodded solemnly. "Yeah, the old man that lived over there died, so now we have to put up with the little brat that family brought along."

"Is he my age?" Ender looked out the window again.

"Awww~" Peter cooed. "Is poor little Ender looking for a friend?"

"I was thinking we could play pranks on you. You always seem so bored."

Peter scoffed. "Yeah, well I wouldn't know, would I? I'm not a creep. I don't go around stalking people."

"Neither does he." Valentine had heard the potential argument starter and came into the living room.

"I didn't say he did, Valentine. And oh yeah, thanks for sticking up for me. You're really such a great little sister."

Ender was out of the house before he heard what Valentine had to say. He was lucky to have gotten away so quickly. Peter was turning dangerous, so Ender didn't want to be around for it.

But Peter wasn't the type to leave his prey alone just because they wandered off. Ender would have to find some place to hide.

"Are you okay?"

Ender jumped at the sound. He didn't know anyone was out here, in the back yard, with him. He turned to the fence that separated his property from the neighbors. There was a boy, and yes, he was Ender's age.
"Why wouldn't I be?"

The boy hung his hands on the wire fence and squinted to get a better look at Ender.
"Cause you look like you're about to cry."

"What do you know? I'm not gonna cry."
But because he said it, or maybe because the boy said it, tears pooled at the rim of his eyes. He turned away from the fence and faced the house, but then realized Peter would be able to see him through the open window and turned back toward the fence.

Ender hung his head to hide his tears. He heard the fence jingle and then there was a thud on the grassy ground. Ender didn't have to look up to know the boy had climbed the fence.

He stood next to Ender about two feet away, probably feeling awkward about being so close to someone he just met. He reached out a hand and patted Ender's shoulder.

"It's okay." He said softly. "Do you wanna come to my house?"

Ender wiped his tears on his sleeve and looked at the boy.
"I don't even know you."

"Well now you do because I'm Alai."

"How do I know you're not gonna kidnap me and sell me to the creepy old man at the end of the street?" Ender asked, only half kidding.

Alai looked down at himself, and then at Ender.
"Well, I guess I am a little bigger than you aren't I? You don't have to worry. I like you too much to sell you. I only do that to people who are mean to me."

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