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This one-shot takes place after Ender Wiggin's Last Game, so if you haven't read it, I suggest you do.

Meiji knocked on Ender's bedroom door raptly. It took Meiji so long to get Ender used to sleeping alone again— it would be bad publicity if anyone found out about their relationship— so they had to start acting like friends again. For the first few months, Ender had almost nonstop nightmares and sleepwalking had become the norm.

But that had long since stopped and now it was just after six. Ender had to get to work.

When Ender didn't answer, Meiji knocked again.

"Your food is getting cold. If you don't eat it, I will."

There was a thump and a rustling noise from inside his room. Only moments later, the door opened and Ender emerged looking flustered. His hair a mess and his face red.

"I'm awake." He said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"I see that. Your food's on the table."

Ender went to go sit down, but Meiji caught his shoulder. He had to confirm his suspicions.

Ender flinched when Meiji placed a hand on his forehead.
"I'm fine."

"Really? So you'll eat double portions today?"

Meiji watched amusedly as Ender hesitated for just a moment. A split second when he looked unsure. It was all Meiji needed to know he was right.

Ender was sick.

Ender walked to the dining room without another word, not waiting for Meiji to follow.

When will he learn to stop lying?

Meiji ate his food slowly, half of it on Ender's plate. Half wasn't double portions, but it was more than usual.

One spoonful after the other, Ender ate. He made no indication of his discomfort, no look of pain in his face. Not a hand on his stomach. Even so, Meiji watched and Ender's face grew pale with every second passing.

This went on for quite some time until, finally, Ender slowly set his fork onto the table, keeping his gaze locked on his plate in desperate concentration.

Meiji kicked the trashcan to Ender's side, but Ender didn't seem to notice it. Meiji hummed. He would have to try something different.

He pressed his foot lightly to Ender's stomach from under the table and watched with a smirk on his face as Ender doubled over and puked into the can.

Meiji stood, pushing his chair away. "I'll call them and cancel your meeting."

"I can go." Ender said, still gripping the sides of the trashcan, sweating and shaking. Meiji looked at him steadily for a moment. Ender met his gaze.

"No you can't."

"I can."

Meiji laughed. "As much as I'd like to see you try, you can't."

Ender huffed and leaned back, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

After calling all twelve people to let them know the meeting was postponed, Meiji made a cup of tea with a few local Shakespearean herbs and honey imported from Earth.

He handed it to Ender, who was still sitting at the dining table.

"Your color is coming back. Feel any better?"

"Yeah. Thank you."

There was a small pause, then Ender asked.
"I'm... there's nothing seriously wrong with me, right?"

"Depends. You either have a twenty four hour bug, or something a little more serious."

"So, what, I just have to wait it out?"

"Yeah, yo- wait, are you telling me you've never been sick before?" Meiji asked, bewildered.

Ender shrugged and looked away.
"It's not like there are many viruses floating around the vacuum of space."

"Well, shit, Ender. Go get dressed."

"What? Why?"

"You're going to the doctor, that's why. Your body obviously isn't meant to handle this."

___ ___ ___

Ender listed to the doctor ramble on about the possible causes for the virus and the even more numerous treatments. He could hardly muster up the energy to listen.

Every small movement of his eyes, every turn of his head made him feel like throwing up again. The sound of the doctors voice hurt his head and his stomach churned.

Meiji would be listening anyway. Ender didn't have to.

Over the course of the four hours spent at the doctors, Ender came to realize that the more he threw up, the less he felt the side effects of the rest of the sickness.

When Meiji made him do it this morning, Ender felt awful for hours before it all came out. Now he only felt bad for a couple of seconds before he puked.

The rest of the time wasn't a walk in the park, of course, but it was bearable.

Ender opened his eyes— he had closed them because the light made his head hurt— to find Meiji looking at him.

"I wasn't listening." Ender told him, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. His voice croaked when he spoke, so he figured he should keep from talking for a while.

"Yeah, I know. The doctor just told us what we already know. It's a bug and, to you, it's gonna suck more than for anyone else."

Ender didn't answer, but let Meiji help him up. Ender looked at him questioningly.

"We're going home. The doctors said you stink too bad to let you stay the night."

Ender rolled his eyes, but immediately regretted it. He threw up on Meiji's shoes.

Both of them froze and Ender could feel Meiji shudder in disgust in his arms, but he said nothing to scold Ender.

"Let's go. They can clean that up when we leave."

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