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bully wtf is that''I asked him seeing him with a small box
some ciggs come get one''he laughed
hell no ke not finna beat my ass cause you wanna play''
exactly what I wanna do come''
no''I said folding cloths at the same time'
girl just come''

I dropped a pair of ke pants and bully handed them to me but hung them over my head
stop playing gimme em''I sighed crossing my arms over my chest on my stomach
you gotta whole desk going on''he said making his finger in circular motions around my stomach
leave me alone im not in the mood''
why not''

cause I got a gender reveal in literally 4 days and Byrd just came and got the envelope with the gender
damnn sis why you aint just ask me for help''
I got it''
you clearly dont doe so let somebody help you out after these next 4 months you won't get not near one favor''he said shrugging
wow so you can't babysit one time''
of course but still get pampered or ya baby gonna look strong in the head''
leave my baby alone''

well ill help you out just call me''
aight whatever now forreal what's in the cig box''
fake cigarettes''
why you bought them''
to prank dukes but I just thought of something lets prank ke make him think you in here getting litty''
he gonna whoop my ass''I laughed
So it its innocent fun''
what if he flip he go all demon seed on me im blaming you''
fine just play the prank out... for me''

fine bully but if it backfire i'm blaming you''
deal''he said shaking my hand
ok so what you want me to do''
I need you to just be sitting on the couch when he comes In just hold the cigarette in ya fingers like you was just smoking and you should just start acting from there''
how bought you get the patron bottle off the cabinet and a cup of water to make it look like I was getting lit also with you''

ohhhh evil I like it lets do it''he smiled evilly
hurry up before he get home''
{30 minutes later}
I sat on the couch as ke came in the house on the phone he looked at me and waved and I nodded my head and drunk some of the water then I picked up the fake cigarette and when I tell you this bitch looked like I was smoking it it looked crazy bro

he didnt notice the cigarette and then bully came out the bathroom drinking the cup of water he had
sis you done wit ya cup''

what yall in here doing''ke asked looking down at his phone I looked at bully and smirked
yo bro you wanna cup we in here getting lit''
man you the only drunk one''ke said still in his phone
yea ok nigga you missing out''bully said and poured some of the''patron''/water
in my cup and I picked it up drinking some and fake puffed on the cigarette ke looked up slowly from me and his face went from a smile to looking at me like I was nuts

I held in my smile and laughter and looked up at him and put my feet up putting the cigarette in my mouth
why you not joining us in this lituation'' I asked him and he walked over and picked the cup up and looked at me
you must've lost ya fucking marbles''he said and then punched bully in the arm "y'all trynna raise my pressure"
Nigga"bully said
''what the fuck you got her in her doing''
aight nigga we just having fun one lil drunk night aint gonna harm the baby''
and I hope one lil ass whooping. dont kill you'''
he snatched my arm up and yanked the cigarette out my mouth

what the fuck you in here doing aria''he asked ''you want this baby to be fucking sped ed''
im just chilling baby its not that serious''
yo stop playing wit me who gave you them damn cigarettes''he asked and picked up the box
bully I asked for em''
what the fuck you asking for cigarettes for bully when im done wit her im beating your whole ass what the fuck wrong wit you tryna kill my seed what ya soldiers aint marking''

fuck you and nigga we lit''
I continued to play along and grabbed the cup from ke but he yanked it back and crushed the cup making water leak out on the floor I played tube mad
common im tryna be tipsy babe''
he looked at me seriously and I felt so bad so I just acted to be a lil tipsy

ion feel good''I said walking over to the table picking the bottle up and he stepped twords me as I ran behind bully
move bully''
why you aint gonna hit me''I laughed and drunk some of the water'''
you right I aint gonna hit you imma knock yo ass out about my fucking kid''
move ke im serious''

you know what when I come back down here this better a joke or imma flip out''
more than you are''bully said sipping out the cup
bitch''ke said and hemmed bully up against the wall seriously bully started laughing
babe babe its a prank its a prank''
that aint no fucking prank''he said and I seen his eyes turning and I kicked him in the leg an he turned to me

what Arianna''he shouted and I jumped and frowned and started crying he never calls me by my name why's he mad at me now I told him it was a joke
his face softened and I wobbled away from him
bae come here''  I heard him yell out
no I told you it was a prank its water dummy''I said wiping my face wabbling up the stairs
I knew he was coming cause I heard bully say ''dont chase no pregnant lady on stairs ke it equals bowling minus the pins''
I laughed between crying and sat on the stairs cause I was tired

ke came into the hallway and laughed at me
its not funny you hurt our feelings''I wined frowning at him
my bad baby yall asses play to damn much''he said sitting down next to me
it was bully idea I just thought it would be funny''
that shit aint funny I thought you was in here driving the boat''
nigga you aint finna keep hitting me you heavy handed bastard''bully said walking down the hallway to us

nigga you need to stop playing so much''ke said and patted the spot next to him so bully could sit
yea yea we got ya ass''
yea we did now ion want no retaliation from this deal''I asked
deal''ke smiled and then he dapped up bully
fine im hungry''
you just ate''bully said
my face welled up and I got up going in the kitchen
aria i int mean-''
fuck you''I yelled

I didnt even mean to''
dont follow after her bully she in the kitchen surrounded by weapons''I heard ke say
I cant wait to have this baby I was tired of crying for nothing

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