At the zoo

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After Yonghoon enters the zoo he is unsure where he should go first. After thinking for a while he decides to go to the amphibians and reptiles first. He enters the tropical house and makes his way to the snakes. There are all kinds of snakes, cobras, anacondas, pythons and more but one stood out to him. The vipera musila netaros is apparently the most venomous snake in South Korea and is very particular about his prey. Apparently it likes to hunt unicorns from the rainbow bridge? Yonghoon frowns at this description. The snake has creepy red eyes and hisses at him furiously. He quickly walks away and looks at the crocodiles which swim happily in the water. Next are the frogs. They come in several different colours and croak in different tones. But one of them croaks a lot louder and more than the others. It is bright green with pink dots on it and looks very cute with his big brown eyes and super wide mouth. Yonghoon reads the info to this frog. It says: The species pelophylax keonheecus is a water frog which is found primarily in South Korea and stands out through his loud voice and his need to talk all the time. It needs food every 30 minutes and is usually full of energy. It can be found in sunny spots near lakes.
The frog jumps up really high when Yonghoon gets close to glass as if he got scared. Yonghoon sees how he gets tiny berries from a bowl with his tongue. Then the frog sees Yonghoon and croaks even more as if he is telling a story to him. After looking at the frog for a while he decides to move on.

Next he goes to the sea animals since he heard that they got a new penguin named Kanghyun that is supposed to be super pretty and adorable. Yonghoon goes to the big pond and looks around. He spots the new penguin very quickly since his belly feathers are more of a clear white colour compared to the slightly yellowish belly feathers of the other ones. The penguins jump into the water one by one, Kanghyun going last. They swim around and look at the visitors through the glass. After few minutes Kanghyun gets out of water again. He turns to Yonghoon and it kind of looks like he is waving at him. Then he picks up a small ball from a basket and rolls it around. After he is done playing with it he puts it back and then waves at Yonghoon again. Yonghoon waves back and decides to watch seal and dolphin show next.

After the show he goes to the lions because they got babies recently. On the way there he walks past the sloth and sees it move. He takes a closer look at him. The sloth looks back at him and yawns. Then he slowly stretches his arm out to grab a leave to eat. The sloth moves a little bit more forward on his branch before he falls asleep. Yonghoon look at the info card at the compound: Sloth Hwanwoong, 8 years old, born in South Korea. He is usually very friendly and sometimes moves extraordinarily fast.
Yonghoon moves on to the lions. One of the new cubs runs after a butterfly. Yonghoon watches for a while. Then a family with kids stops next to him. "Oh, there is Cya. He is so cute. He looks just like my plush toy.", one of the kids says and hugs her lion cub plush toy. Then Cya suddenly stumbles. His mother comes and picks him up and puts his down next his father. The father shows off his roar which sounds impressive. Cya tries to mimic him but his roar is really quiet and cute instead.

Yonghoon moves on to the forest animals. At the beginning of the forest section is a sign. Please don't feed Seoho the squirrel! Thank you!
Yonghoon walks past it and looks at first few animals. As he walks on the beautiful path between the trees he almost steps on something. It is a squirrel with really big cheeks and very small eyes. It looks at Yonghoon expectant. He remembers the sign at beginning. "No I don't have anything for you.", he says to Seoho and walks past him. The small animal suddenly runs in circles around him. Yonghoon sighs. "What do you want small one?" The squirrel suddenly climbs up on him and sits down on his shoulder. "Fine you can come with me for a bit."
The next compound has foxes in it and one of them catches Yonghoons attention. The fox walks on his hind legs with a branch in his mouth. He walks to an hollow trunk and starts knocking on it with the branch in a rhythmic pattern. Yonghoon listens to the song he is playing on the trunk for a while. Seoho seems to enjoy it too. Yonghoon reads the info sign.
Harin, 1 year old, born in South Korea. He is a music genius. Then they move on. At the end of the forest section Seoho climbs off Yonghoons shoulder and disappears between the trees.

Lastly Yonghoon goes to the farm section. You can buy treats to feed the animals there and you can enter some of their compounds to caress them. Yonghoon buys treats for the sheep and goes into their compound first. They really love the food and he is able to pet a lot of them. Next are the chickens he feeds them too and he gets to hold one of the baby chicks. Its name is Leedo. The little one seems shy at first but gets really energetic after a few pets and warm words. He flaps his tiny wings exitedly at the pets. Then he suddenly tries to fly. He jumps off Yonghoons hands who can catch him just in time before he hits the floor. "Ah be careful. Don't get yourself hurt."
Yonghoon plays with the chick a little more before he moves on. While going to the horses a black cat crosses his way. It lays down on his back asking for belly rubs. Yonghoon pets the cat and plays with it. Everytime he tries to move on it wants more love and meows endlessly until you caress it again. "I really need to move on now. I can't stay here forever.", Yonghoon says to it. The cat meows again. Yonghoon sighs. He takes the cat into his arms and just takes it with him for a while. Until one of the workers comes up to him. "Is Ravn clingy again?", he asks him and points at the cat. Yonghoon nods. The worker takes the cat. "Ravn I told you not to annoy our guests all the time.", Yonghoon hears him say while he walks away. The last animals are the rabbits. Yonghoon gets treats for them and enters the compound. Two rabbits immediatly come up to him. They look almost the same but one is white with black fur around his right eye and the other is black with white fur around his left eye. He puts the food in his hand and waits for them to eat it. The black bunny pushes away the white one and begins eating but then the white one pushes the black and tries to get the rest of the food all for himself. Yonghoon decides to put food in both of his hands so that they don't fight. The bunnies eat their treats and then gets caressed by Yonghoon. Then the white one starts running around energetically and show off his skills in the little Parkour in their compound while the other one tries to steal the rest of Yonghoons treats. Yonghoon notices just in time and puts holds them up in the air so he can't get to it. After the white bunny is done running around he gets treats from Yonghoon again but the black one tries to get them too and fights with the white bunny again. So Yonghoon also gives the black bunny treats again. To thank him the black bunny does a few cute faces and poses for Yonghoon.

Then it's time for Yonghoon to go home. He had a nice day at the zoo and the animals he saw were adorable besides the creepy snake at the beginning. Some of them even seemed quite human.

Authors Note:
Hii I am Kathy and this is my second Oneus and Onewe related book on Wattpad. This time it's going to be oneshots only. I am probably not going to release chapters regularly, only if I have ideas for new short stories. I hope you liked the the first one shot. 😊❤🐁

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