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After one week

Jacqueline's POV




Was what I felt as I sat in a lone cafe, staring at the wall ahead of me with a permanent pout resting on my face.

Jesus Christ! What have I done? Why God!? Why does it always have to be me? Me and my God damn mouth! Why did I agree on this stupid marriage? What was I even thinking when I said okay?

Jacq, do you even understand what kind of a mess you have gotten tangled up in?

Maybe not completely but I sort of got the picture. That son of a Russo is going to roast me like a grilled chicken and shove me down his throat.

Pftt..and you better get ready to face his snarky comments, sweetheart.

Great! Now even my conscience is upset with my stupidity. What in the world did I ever do to have such an amazing fate!? Like, how am I even this lucky!?

I facepalmed and sighed deeply thinking about the huge mess that I had brought upon myself. As I closed my eyes, my dad's hope-filled eyes popped up in my head making me grimace. He was so happy knowing that I had finally agreed for marriage.

I don't even understand what I had blabbered to him in my sleepy state but when I woke up the next day, I was welcomed with my dad's ecstatic and chirpy mood. He was grinning ear to ear making me suspicious of him until the maids came in and started congratulating me for my marriage.

When the croakiness that I was feeling finally dissipated from my body, the entire situation finally dawned on me. The entire house was going all haywire with my wedding news. However, what actually made my jaw to drop on earth was when I heard my father sending words to the Russo's aka my soon to be in-laws about the wedding.

Even before I got a chance to protest, my dad had already done most of the engagement and wedding preparations. And what did I do? I just freaking stood there looking at my father with a dumbfounded look. I really couldn't bring myself to clear the confusion to my father. After so long, I was seeing my father being this happy and I didn't want to ruin it for him. I didn't want to see his crestfallen face when I tell him the truth.

As, I stood there contemplating on my next move and cursing my self with all the curse words that I had come to know, my father suddenly turned towards me with a big smile on his face and for some reason that smile felt like an inkling for an upcoming trouble. Hence, I only gave him a burst of nervous laughter, praying to the gods above me to make my intuitions go wrong but my prayers got ignored. As usual.

" Jackie...Benjamin said he wants to meet you privately to discuss your wedding " he chirped completely ignoring my face that had went completely pale.

Hence, here I am waiting for Mr Mighty, getting myself all worked up. What was I supposed to tell him after rejecting him so blatantly? He is surely going to taunt me for this. Oh, my God, there goes my pride to faraway land and I don't see it coming back any time soon.

I felt like bawling my eyes out thinking about my current situation. If I cry does that make me a drama queen? If yes then so be it. I Jacqueline Valentina Knight proudly declare that I have royally screwed my own life with my very own mouth. I grumbled and hit my head on the table not giving any heeds to the waitress who was throwing weird glances by my way.

" I Am so stupid...."


" I have no brain"

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