that feeleng when you've already rejected 80 calls from this spam number

613 23 7

All weekend he had been planning this. After a day of grinding out the crater under his base, and another day spent strip mining for terracotta, and all his diamonds spent on dark prismarine, Grian was bright eyed and ready to work on his base for the next day and a half and then collapse into the jungle. That had been his plan until his communicator started buzzing. '<Unknown User> would like to chat with you!' it proclaimed. Grian put it on silent. He was going to lapse enough time to finish the back of his mansion or die trying. Probably and die trying.

After placing an non-negligible amount of shulker boxes full of terracotta and a few chests of prismarine stairs, Grian was officially out of materials and also out of energy. He checked the time on his communicator. Apparently, he had been time lapsing for two days and consequently, had about two billion unread messages. About half were from the main hermit group chat, there were a few private messages, and the rest were from the same unknown user. Warnings about viruses dancing in his mind, he opened them.

[47 hours ago]
Unknown User>Grian: Good evening, Xelqua. My name is Zexal and I'm contacting you to congratulate you!
Unknown User>Grian: See, the previous High Watcher recently passed away, and you are next in line for that position.
Unknown User>Grian: Also, because Update 1.16 is scheduled for release next month we really need you coronated.
Unknown User>Grian: Please message me back so that we can discuss this.

[38 hours ago]
Unknown User>Grian: Xelqua?
Unknown User>Grian: Grian? I know it is sudden but please respond. We have a party to plan.

[37 hours ago]
Unknown User>Grian: Hello?
Unknown User>Grian: Xelqua
Unknown Used>Grian: If you do not respond we will have to start planning this party without you.

[35 hours ago]
Unknown User>Grian: If you are occupied that is fine, but please tell me so that I can start on the preparations. No one likes to be kept in uncertainty, Xelqua. Do not leave me hanging.

They continued much the same throughout his time lapse, building in frustration. The new High Watcher. Grian frowned. He could not recall putting his name in the running for High Watcher... and then he could.

It was at the biannual Watcher holiday party, a few years ago. Grian had been content to play wallflower near the buffet table and monopolize all the tiny sandwiches. Sam, his good Watcher friend, had other ideas. (His other Watcher friend, Taurtis, had better ideas. He was out sick.)
"Look, Greeon. The fishbowl's out," he had said, shoving his knife-like elbow into Grian's ribs.
"So it is," Grian said, eyes on the tea sandwiches.
"Old High Watcher must be ready to croak if they're busting out the lottery. Hey, I have an idea. You should put your name in it."
Grian was snapped out of his sandwich trance. "Me? As next high watcher? Could you imagine? They still think my name is Xelqua. No way."
Sam would not be dissuaded. "If you will, I will."
"You're on."
Together, the young watchers sneaked to the magnificent crystal bowl filled with slips of paper, each containing the name of a high watcher hopeful. After checking Sam's paper to confirm that it said 'Sam Gladiator' and not something silly like 'Taurtis', he wrote his name on his own slip. 'Grian,' it displayed proudly. Then, to really avoid confusion, he added under it, 'a.k.a. Xelqua'. He wadded up his paper. Sam gently folded up his and kissed it, before they both added theirs to the fishbowl. "Wow," Grian thought. "That will have absolutely no consequences ever."

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