it's my party and i'll use a chapter to describe the party dresses if i want to

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Now that the Watcher party is sorted and dusted, Grian can focus all his attention on his Hermitcraft party, and planning it goes a lot smoother. With concrete theming and a date, Scar can get started on the invitations for real. They contact Beef to cater some mutton to the party, Doc to supply carrots for the more vegetarian minded hermits, and even get Keralis to bake a cake. After what seems like no time at all, the date of the party finally arrives. Grian invites Stress over so that they can get ready together. 
"'Ow do I look," Stress asks Grian, doing a twirl to show off her magenta shorts suit. She hasn't changed out of her practical trainers.
"Looking pretty gorgeous," says Grian, finishing up his makeup. 
"Oh frank you," says Stress. "You look positively radiant yourself."
Grian smiles, careful not to crease his foundation as he sprays a setting mist over his immaculate face. 
"Yes I do," he says. He's wearing a double-breasted netherrack-red suit with a cravat the color and pattern of a warped stem log. His pocket square takes after a warped fungus and has been folded with four peaks.
"Anyway, I'm sure guests will start turning up soon," he says, offering Stress his elbow. "Shall we head out to the party?"

They have co-opted the grand entrance foyer of the mansion to transform it into a ballroom and it looks wonderful. Scar is working at the long tables, arranging and rearranging the twisting vine centerpieces. He wears a long purple wrap dress that scintillates with an almost magical sheen. Scar's bare feet peek out of the slit in the dress as he turns to greet Grian and Stress warmly. "Hello my fellow miners and hermits," he says. "Are you excited to get this party started?" 
"Absolutely," Grian says. "I cannot wait for all the guests to arrive,"
As Grian says this, the custom doorbell he had installed just for the occasion rings, announcing the arrival of a guest. Into the massive ballroom walks Xisuma. Xisuma is dressed in a red suit jacket with matching pants and a dull purple cummerbund. The suit is trimmed with cream colored fringe, and he even has a few tracks of fringe rooted into his helmet. "'Hello there," he says.
"Welcome to the party," Grian says. "Your suit looks amazing."
"Doesn't it?" says X. "I took some inspiration from the new nether mobs for its design." He turns his head in what could potentially be a bizarre facsimile of a wink, though through his reflective visor, it's hard to tell for sure. 
Behind him walks Keralis, carrying a massive box. "Sorry I'm late," he says as he places the box on a table. He opens the box revealing a huge cake. It's frosting is black, and it is trimmed with gold and black swirled frosting. Decorating each of the three layers are gold flakes, and delicate chains meet at the top of the cake, restraining a model of a piglin.
Now that he wasn't carrying a giant box, his dress was visible. It went down to his ankles, brushing softly against a pair of low heeled summer sandals. The dress itself was pink and made of several layers of tulle. It had puffed sleeves and was secured with a tie at the empire waistline and another framing his natural waist. Its neckline, arms, and hemline were lined with soft ruffles, and the fabric was embroidered in glittering strawberries. 
"That's gorgeous," said Stress. "Do a little twirl!"
Keralis happily began spinning, the dress flaring out like a bedsheet hung out to dry. He stopped suddenly, causing the dress to snap to his body and then relax, obeying gravity as though it was a choice and not a law of physics. Keralis himself started to wobble. Before he could fall, Stress took his hand, leading him to a chair and asked Scar to grab him a glass of water. 
Meanwhile, Doc, Etho, and Beef arrived together. Doc had traded out his tattered lab coat for a white vest, and wore matching white pants. Red suspenders completed the look, as he was both shirtless and shoeless. Etho wore a starched, high collared dress shirt in a deep fuchsia with deep navy pleated pants. Beef walked a few paces behind them, as if trying to distance himself from his companions. He wore a pair of white double monk strap shoes and mildly tacky llama print socks. His suit was white, and as he turned to scold his compatriots, opulent gold embroidery was revealed threading through it. On his head, he wore a warm llama shaped hat. 
Grian greeted his guests warmly at the entrance hall. "Hello, and welcome to the new 1.16 nether party," he said. "Come in, take your seats. The party's just begun."
"Glad to be here," said Etho.
"Yes, thanks for inviting us," Beef chimed in. 
Beef, Etho, and Doc put their items at their placemats and walked over to Keralis to say hello. Keralis stood up, walking over to a newly arrived Bdubs. Bdubs wore a white jacket and black slacks with rips in the knees that he definitely bought torn, along with a pair of shoes that had soles that seemed slightly taller than necessary.
"Bubbles," Keralis called to his friend. "Hello!"
"Keralis!" said Bdubs. The two embraced. "I love the dress!" 
"Spank you," said Keralis.
"And the cake," Bdubs added. "You made that? It's beautiful!"
"Spank you very much! Stop!" said Keralis. "ZombieCleo helped with the topper."
While they are talking, Zedaph, Impulse, and Tango enter the hall. Zedaph has the lead and is wearing a fluffy black chiffon dress that comes down to his knees. He is also wearing fishnets, and he walks true in a pair of tall strappy black heels. Impulse wears a black suit embroidered with intricate multicolored flowers and also a beautiful, fresh wildflower crown. Tango has taken a much more modern approach to the suit. His suit is white, but dyed an almost glowing orange down the left sleeve and pant leg, and a neon cyan down the right. His shirt, tie, and cufflinks are all black. MumboJumbo and Iskall also arrive. Mumbo wears an official looking navy suit that even features a sash emblazoned with the words "Nether 2020". Iskall wears Mumbo's suit. Welsknight comes in after them. His armour is polished to a romantic sheen and he has a flowing white skirt around his waist to offer increased formality. In the back of the ballroom, TFC is seated at one of the tables in his regular clothes.
Grian walks to the head of the room holding a microphone. "Hello, and welcome to another one of my parties. I know that not everybody is here quite yet," he says, "but that doesn't mean we can't get this party started!" 
He places down a jukebox out of his inventory, and grabs a strange red music disk, slotting it into the machine. The hermits all gasp as the best music they have heard in their life begins playing. Stress grabs Scar and spins him around fast and it's like a switch is flipped, because everyone begins dancing. Keralis pulls Bdubs into a house dance and laughs as Bdubs promptly falls into his friend's arms. "What's wrong, got too high of-" 
"Shhhhh!!" Bdubs cuts him off. They are both grinning from ear to ear. Tango, Impulse, and Zedaph bop to the beat with their arms outstretched. Beef gets Etho and Xisuma to join him in the Macarena. 
Amidst the chaos and EDM arrives Cubfan, Hypno, and Jevin. Cub wears a long linen tunic draped in heavy gold adornments. Hypno wears a dark green two piece dress laced in the back. Jevin's white suit seems simple until he moves and the mirrors covering it cast light in all different directions. 
False arrives as well in a cocktail dress with subtle heart patterning all across the skirt and real gold trim. They all join the party as the beat drops. As the first record winds down, ZombieCleo arrives, looking concerned. She wears a long sleeved off the shoulder dress made of a delicate gossamer woven finer than a spider's web. Grian meets her in the entryway. 
"Is Joe here yet?" she asks.
"I thought he would arrive with you. You don't know where he is?" Grian responds.
"I haven't seen him," Cleo says, "but I didn't look too hard. He's probably out playing with his dogs, anyway."
"Yes," Grian says, "that's probably it. Anyway, come in. Join the festivities." He escorts Cleo into the loud room.
"I heard you had a hand in that wonderful cake."
"More like I had a stand in it," Cleo says. The two double over laughing. Grian checks his watch nervously. 
"Are you sure you haven't seen Joe?" he asks.
"I'm sure he'll turn up. If I know Joe, he's out somewhere causing trouble."
"Of course," says Grian. "Good old Joe, always where you least expect him."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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