the consequenses hit you like a truck filled with party supplies

501 25 16

"Oh boy," thought Grian in the present. "Sometimes actions have consequences. Who could have guessed."
He checked his other messages. 

[30 hours ago]
Xisuma: Hello, everyone! Just a reminder that in two weeks the nether will be updating! Make sure to remove all valuables from the nether by that time.

GoodTimesWithScar: Buy Free Magic Crystal! No Scam Just Free Crystal!* Buy Now!
GoodTimesWithScar: *Magical crystals have recently been released from incarceration. Pay full price for all crystals.

[5 hours ago]
MumboJumbo>Grian: i will be coming over soon 
MumboJumbo>Grian: official hobbit business
MumboJumbo>Grian: ill be right over
MumboJumbo>Grian: after i finish this machine

Considering that Grian had seen neither hide nor hair of Mumbo in the five hours since that message had been sent, and that he was also experiencing time a bit slowly, Grian assumed that that machine was giving Mumbo a bit more trouble than he anticipated. Grian was sure he would have enough time to check out what this Zexal person wanted in the Watcher dimension. Escaping to an out of the way tower, Grian built a quick Watcher portal. Stepping through, he found himself in a meeting room decorated tastefully in sandstone and obsidian. A watcher sat at a desk, rising to greet Grian. "Well well well, if it isn't Xelqua. You have finally arrive-oh Nether put some clothes on," they said, covering their mask with their hand dramatically.
"What? Oh," Grian said. He used magic to replace his red sweater and jeans with the proper Watcher robes and donned his mask. Zexal peeked through their fingers, and, finding Grian decent, removed their hand. "Anyway, I have here gathered the party planning committee out of your closest friends. I do hope this will be sufficient." 
Two other watchers sat at the table. Sam, in his mask shaped like an adorable little bunny, and Taurtis, his mask split into quadrants lined in red and blue. Sam waved. Taurtis was asleep. Zexal handed Grian a packet of paper. "Here is what we have come up with thus far." 
Grian opened up the packet. The first page featured the old netherrack texture, upon which sat the words "Notes on Aesthetics for the Party Meant to Celebrate the Update and Improvement of the Biome(s) Found in the Nether".
The second page was titled, "Moodboard" and featured a collage of mushrooms of both Overworld and Nether varieties, random bricks of all styles, and various blocks on fire. There were some spreads inspired by the Crimson and Warped Forests, some pages that were pure gold, and a lot of fire and lava. It was… well.
"This is… something," Grian said. "And of course, there's nothing wrong with doing it like this… but…"
"What is your problem with it?" groaned Zexal. 
"It's kind of… unfocused. It lacks a certain…"
"What he means to say is that it sucks ass," said Sam.
"Yes, thank you Sam," said Grian. "Zexal, it sucks ass."
"These are all colors and ideas relating to the updated Nether!" said  Zexal. "What is wrong with it?"
"I just think it is rather unfocused and that we could probably choose a bit clearer direction. What if we theme the party after specifically, say, specifically gold? Gold is a big part of the new update, right?"
"What if," Zexal said, gathering up their papers, "you do all the planning yourself since you know so much about theming." They stomped out of the room. The slamming of the door woke Taurtis up, and he fell out of his chair, kicking Sam on the way down. 
"Intruder!" he shouted. "What is happening?"
"Greeon here broke Zexal."
"Good, that guy was kind of a drag."
Grian's communicator vibrated.

[Just now]
Keralis>Grian: Brian your boats out of sand and gravel again OuO

Grian quickly typed out a response.

Grian>Keralis: I'll restock in a bit

Grian looked up from his communicator. "Is there anything else you need me for? The server beckons."
"Not unless you count planning your own party, no," said Taurtis
"Wait," said Sam. "Here, Greeon. Take this." He handed Grian a shulker box. "If you're so insistent on doing this yourself, why don't you take this home and at the very least come up with a nice color scheme." 
"Okay," Grian said. "Well, if that's all then I'll be seeing you."
"Bye," said Taurtis. Sam waved. Grian popped back through the watcher portal.
"Let's see what we have," said Grian, inspecting the shulker box. It contained banners, streamers, a cauldron, miscellaneous glitter and confetti, and stacks of dyes in all colors. "This is comprehensive. The watchers may be drags, but they sure know how to plan a party."

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