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It was a cold day, almost too cold for the winter. I shivered, pulling my grey hoodie closer to my body, as my gaze travelled towards the mist surrounding this large abandoned city. The mist was a light grey, and I sighed in disgust. This wasn't normal mist, it was mist from the radiation poisoning that had affected the world many years ago. Because of this, I was forced to wear a hideous gas mask. Though, my parents always said to be happy no matter what you're going through. Across the road I was currently walking, I noticed a tall person with short dark hair emerge from the bushes. They instinctively drew a shotgun out from their belt, and aimed it towards me. He seemed to look at me for a second, as if questioning whether I was a human or not. "No, I'm not a mutant! I'm a human, like you." I held my hands out to protect myself. The male lowered his gun, and he glanced at my sides to see the two handguns I was carrying. "I'm Jaylynn!" A cheerful tone came out of my mouth. "There's a refugee camp ahead! You can get some food and drinks there!" The guy nodded, and walked toward me. I smiled, and began leading the way to the camp. "It's getting dark, you should stay here for the night." I looked at the guy. "What are you afraid of?" Man, he seems like the silent type. I sighed, "You don't talk much, do you?" I tried to start a conversation, which didn't really go well. "Since I told you my name, what's yours?" I asked him after a few seconds of silence, "Luke." The guy let out a grumble. "How old are you?" "16." "Same!" I giggled, and punched the guy in the shoulder. I stopped my fist for a second, and blushed in embarrassment. What was I doing? "Aha. Sorry." I looked away, and scratched the back of my neck. "Anyways, we're almost here." I smiled, and once again the guy had no response. "Hey Jaylynn." My best friend, a girl with long brown hair smiled at me. "Hi Melody! This here is Luke, right? I found him in the city." I explained. "Hm, well nice to meet you Luke." Melody smiled warmly, Luke kept a blank face. "Come on, smile!" I launched myself at Luke, and attempted to make him smile. Luke brushed me off, and I groaned in defeat. "Jaylynn!" My other friend, a guy shorter than me, ran towards me and flung his arms me. I giggled, and playfully ruffled his hair. Luke looked at us, and rolled his eyes. I looked at Luke, and rolled my eyes at him "Be nice.". Luke sighed, and I heard a sniffing noise, and watched as Luke's eyes widen. "Lev." I growled, and ran behind Luke, launching a kick to the guy standing behind him. The guy went flying backwards, and landed on the ground. "You're such an idiot." I laughed. The guy grinned evilly at me, "My pleasure." He got up, and walked dangerously close to me. I shook my head, and went over to Luke. Lev followed behind me, and grabbed my hair, sniffing it. I spun around, and glared at the guy. Behind me, I almost snickered when I heard Luke mutter something under his breath. "So, Luke. Why don't I show you around?" I looked towards the guy, who nodded. "Okay, follow me." I walked towards a small house. "Since this is the only house with a bed left, you'll have to share it with Melody, Lev, Dash and I." Luke closed his eyes for a second, and then followed me into the house. I quickly showed him around the house, and then to the large room the five of us would be sharing. Luke put down his bags, "Hang on! You must be starved!" I grabbed onto Luke's arm, and pulled him out of the house towards another building. "By the way, welcome to BlueBrook.".


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