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I stretched my back, and welcomed the radiated air as I walked out into the middle of camp.
My bones cracked from the stiffness in every step I took, and I let my eyes roam around the camp.
It was quite lively really. I haven't seen a lot of people who run around, laughing while they play tag.
Maybe I really am just a bum.
I shook my head to clear that.
No, there can't ever be true happiness in this world.
"Luke!" A voice called to me, and I turned to see Kylern walking over. He had a couple people walking behind him.
I nodded in greeting, and looked at the people behind him.
One was a scrawny, tall female. Another was a smaller male, who looks like a teenager still.
"Ready to go?" Kylern asked.
I tried to think in what he was talking about. Until I remembered that I said I'd go get supplies.
Why did I say I would?
I reached for my belt, to only realize my gun wasn't there.
I held up a finger to tell them I'd be a moment.
I walked to where I slept, and found my gun under my pillow.
"Hey Luke!" A cheerful voice greeted me as I was putting my gun in my belt securely.
I rose an eyebrow, and looked to see Jaylynn was there.
I grunted a greeting to her.
"Going to go get some supplies? Please be careful though. And stay with the team. It gets dangerous in some areas. There's some mutants out there.
"Lovely." I grumbled, and walked out of the building. Jaylynn followed, and I began to walk towards the team. But Jaylynn stopped me by putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Please come back safe?" She asked. I looked at her, and was surprised by how her tone lowered. It almost sounded somber.
I nodded, and felt a smile tug at the side of my mouth.
She let go, and I continued to walk towards the group. When I reached them, we all exited the camp.
"My name is Fiona." The girl suddenly spoke to me.
I glanced over at her, and nodded.
"Mine's Titan!!" The other said excitedly.
I nearly snorted, and thought to myself.
'Who names their child Titan? They must've been on radiation or something.'
"Titan's not his real name. We just decided to name him that anyway." Kylern spoke now.
I nodded, and realized we were quite far from camp now.
"Ah! There's an old supply storage up ahead. Lets check there." Kylern pointed at this old building, that looks like it can barely stand.
But a sudden movement at the corner of my vision, made me immediately draw my gun.
A low growling noise made me turn, to see a somewhat green looking human.
It's eyes were dull, almost closed. It's limbs looked like it could barely move anymore.
Most would've called these guys zombies. But no, mutants are driven just from radiation.
I blinked, and realized more mutants were coming from the rubble.
"Shoot." I hissed, and turned the safety off on my gun, and shot the mutant right in the forehead. It dropped to the ground, and remained motionless.
The other mutants began to charge forward, and the rest of the team charged at them.

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