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I wasn't sure how everything changed so quickly.
One moment, I was shooting mutants right in the head.
The next, I'm on the ground, gasping for oxygen, while reaching for my gun that laid a couple feet away.
A mutant was crawling on top of me, but I didn't hesitate with being brutal. I kicked it right in the chest, and continued to kick until it finally slithered off me.
I shot up, and dove for my gun. Once I had the weapon back in my hands, I turned around, and shot the mutant. It stopped moving almost immediately.
"Luke!" A familiar voice made my heart seize. Sure enough, a mutant fell, and there was Jaylynn.
She gave me a cheerful smile, and I nearly screamed in shock.
How in the world is she still smiling?!
I quickly regained my posture though, as a mutant crawled over to me, and grabbed onto my boot. I looked down to shoot it, but Jaylynn beat me to the punch.
I glanced back up at her, and nodded my thanks, before I shook the mutant off.
"Luke!" A desperate scream made me whirl around on my heel.
I saw Titan being overwhelmed by mutants quickly. He struggled, but his weapon was no where to be seen. I quickly scrambled towards the teenager, but it was too late.
A mutant had lifted his head slightly, and ripped his gas mask off.
It revealed a soft faced boy. He had red fiery hair, and wide eyes. His face was pale in fear.
He almost immediately began to choke, and I screamed out at him.
I fought through the monsters, and I finally reached Titan, who was still trying to break away from the mutants as they beat on his poor body.
"Titan!" I screeched as I ripped the mutants off from him.
He barely could keep his eyes open as he fell to the ground in a mess of limbs.
I looked around for his has mask, but when I noticed it. It wouldn't save his life anyways. It was stepped on, and practically broken. There were huge cracks in it. It couldn't help him.
I turned back to Titan. His eyes were closed.
His breathing has stopped.
Titan was dead.
I drew back, and I felt.. Horrifyed. Terrible. Guilty even.
Someone had run up behind me, and let out a loud gasp. It was Jaylynn.
"Titan!" She shrieked as she ran to his side, to check for a pulse, or anything. But it was no use. Titan was gone.
I fell to my hands and knees, and stared at the ground.
Titan was so young. So full of life. It's terrible how one can just lose all that life so quickly.
"Luke.. We need to go." Jaylynn told me. I finally looked up, to see a lot of the mutants gone. The two teams stood there.
My stomach squeezed, and I stood up. Only to walk over to Titan's corpse, and pick him up. There was many voices around me, that sounded mostly of distress. But I payed no attention to them. I only walked back to the camp. Feeling emptier with every step.

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