Amorous Maximus

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"George, I'm not sure about this..."

Hermione held up the bottle of perfume, staring at it skeptically. George grinned at her from the other side of the pink liquid.

"'Mione, it's not supposed to be taken seriously," He countered. "It's just perfume."

"And it does smell good," Ginny added from next to her, giving her a slight nudge. "You never know."

"Gin, I highly doubt that this 'potion' will tell me who my true love is," Hermione said, holding the bottle up to her eyes once more.

"That's the fun in it though, eh?" George asked playfully, looking between the two girls. "'That whoever smells the potion is your one true love'."

"So it's somewhat of a mild form of amortentia?" Hermione asked.

George waved her off. "Hermione, my dear, it's no fun if you figure out my potions! It's just called Amorous Maximus!"

He gave her a wink then before disappearing into the crowd. Ginny was grinning as well as she grabbed a couple bottles, causing Hermione to scowl at the red head.

"What?!" Ginny asked defensively. "It smells good!"

Hermione rolled her eyes but didn't put the small bottle back, instead gripping it somewhat tightly as she made her way to the register.

While she didn't believe that the bottle would lead her to her true love, she did wonder if it would have an effect on those she loved. Or those who loved her.

She shook her head at that thought, scowling to herself as she hid the bottle of perfume in the back of her cabinet, and into the back of her mind.

But while the bottle was physically in the back of the cabinet, it kept reappearing in her thoughts no matter how often she pushed the thought back.

She was able to hold off for a couple of days, but one morning she decided to use the perfume as intended, thoughts be damned.

"''Mione, love, you almost done?"

She looked up from her vanity to see Ron peaking his head around the corner. She smiled up at him and held up the bottle.

"Done! Just testing George's new perfume," She said happily as he took the bottle.

He gave it a cautious sniff before his brow furrowed. "You bought a bottle of water?"

"What?" She stared at him and then looked down at the bottle. "No, it's a nice-smelling perfume. I think it smells lovely, like flowers."

He gave it another sniff before shaking his head and holding it back out to her. "I'm sorry, love. I think my nose is stuffed up; I don't smell anything."

She took the bottle back and set it back down on the counter disappointedly. Ron did always get affected by allergies though, that had to be it.

Pushing the thought to the back of her head, she applied it again to the insides of her wrists before grabbing her bag and leaving the house. As she made it into the office, it seemed only her fellow female coworkers could smell her new perfume, which did make her wonder for a few short minutes. But work then took over and she no longer worried about it, instead ignoring the new smell whenever it suddenly came up.

A knock on her door brought her out of her thoughts and she stared as she saw just who was at her door.

"What can I help you with, Malfoy?" She asked curtly, setting her papers down.

He raised an eyebrow at her but leaned against the doorway as he said, "Potter said you might have more information on the Willis case."

"Ah, yes." She opened one of her drawers and rifled through it silently before finding the file she needed. "Yes, here is what I was able to find out. Let me know if you need anything else."

He reached forward to take the file, nodding at her and turning away. He paused then for only a second before turning back to her.

"That perfume, it smells lovely by the way."

He didn't say anything more as he left the office, but Hermione's face burned as she stared at the empty space in her doorframe.

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