-what about bowling alley?

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"what's wrong with you? this is my favourite hoodie"

-what is this even supposed to mean?- said eddie after reading his wrist phrase
-what is it?- beverly was curious
-"what's wrong with you? this is my favourite hoodie" like if she says that to me she sounds so rude- eddie was so confused
-it's fine eds just don't worry about it, it'll be fine.
- ugh i guess i'll have to deal with it...
-well sixteen boy, it's already midnight so i'm going bed okay? see you tomorrow
-bye! good night- he hanged up.

he kissed his mommy before going to wash his teeth, and then to bed.

"what is this all about, i mean, that's such a weird phrase, it doesn't even sound nice, this is trying to tell me something..."

eddie was thinking about that weird soulmate quote, she was supposed to say that but that sounded quite rude, eddie was so sensible so he couldn't understand how to love someone who was going to be rude at him...


beverly and eddie had just arrived school, they got down from the bus and went to the lockers.

eddie was taking his books and when he was about to talk, some guy came from nowhere made beverly turned around.

-hey bev!- it was ben
-hey! this is eddie- said beverly after giving him such a big hug
-how are you ?- ben seemed nice, also he was his best friends soulmate so he wasn't gonna mess it up.
- i'm great, how about you?- the conversation kept going while they were going to english class.

~at english class~

-pst- beverly touched eddies back- eddie. eddie. eddie!
-what?- he didn't turn around for answering
-i was thinking, do you wanna go out on friday?
-uhm, what you've think of?
- i don't know, maybe going to the bowling alley, like in the old times...


-beverly! 8 on a round!- eddie was so happy for his friend
-i know! i'm obviously so good at this
-well i'm better and you know it
- no you're not!
-i am!

the both kids started running around the bowling, their moms were so happy of they both being so cute together, they always thought they'll end up together, beverly had show a few feelings for eddie in 4th grade, but eddie never catch them back so, she started dating this guy, bill.

-i think it'll be cool, ben should come with us too!- beverly couldn't hide her smile after hearing that, eddie never liked her boyfriends but, he seemed really liking ben.

- yes! he'll be cool with it.

they went to the rest of the classes and after that, they went home.


Eddie just finished his homework, he took his phone and answered a few beverly messages.

hey eds


so, ben has really popular friends, and apparently, bill denbrough and stanley uris are having a party on friday too. we were wondering if maybe, you would like to go after bowling?

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