Prologue and Dedication (CONTENDER)

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To you.. Wherever you are. Wishing you all the happiness in this world.
Thanking you always.

It's been 6 years.


At our classroom door I saw him.
Our eyes met and like magic, everything was in place.
I stopped and stared for a while and he did too.
I couldn't help but notice his Asian jet black eyes.
Although his eyes weren't that big but it is visibly round.
His eyes were shinning and staring it me as I stare at it as well.
It was starting to trap me until suddenly he looked away.

I continued walking towards my target seat. The seat next to the door.
I watched him sat at the very back of the classroom quiet and friendless as I am.

He showed knowledge more than anyone.
Both of us, we stand out.
It has only been a couple of weeks but he already showed competitiveness towards the whole class and not to assume but, specially competitiveness towards me.

As he answered correctly at the board I watched how he accurately wrote his solution without hesitations.
As he sat on his chair he was cheered by people. He, was no longer friendless. And so was I.

When it comes to competing with him, I sometimes win.
We were somehow official enemies, written in the stars as enemies.
It was always me against him.
When it comes to groupings, reportings and so on it is always automatically him vs me and me vs him.

And so that went on.
Until it was then the month for more competitions.
Quiz bee occurred and I, as usual is competing in the finals.

I needed to review and work my ass off before that day and I did.
Except, I didn't prepare for one subject.
The subject I hated the most, the subject that I just wing and now, the subject that will end my whole career.

And so the day of the quiz bee came. At that particular subject I asked my teacher to pull me out of the competition but she refused.

Curse her.

The quizbee competition was so near that I just wished the ground would eat me alive. At that moment I would rather get hit by a car than to walk towards that stage and die because of shame.

And so like all panicking minds do,
I cried.

I know, it was pathetic and I think so too. We only have two hours left to review for the quizbee and I wasted 30 minutes of it crying. Pathetic me.

As I was crying in my desk, my face buried in my arms, pretending to be asleep. Someone tapped my shoulder lightly.

I immediately raised my head. It was him. Looking down on me without expression.

I looked up at him with my eyes full of tears. I wiped the slowly falling tears because people started teasing us. Saying he made me cry.

And although it was a joke he was very defensive as always.
He deffended himself by saying

"I would never do that, I would never hurt her"

"I couldn't"

My mind interpreted those words differently and it did something weird to my heart.

He didn't made me cry. He cheered me up.

He asked if I was okay then...

He offered to help me.

A Love Story That Never Started Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt