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He offered to help me study and even gave me a reviewer.

I was shocked but I didn't refused.
We studied together for that subject and he was actually nice.

I noticed how messy his jet black hair is.

In that particular subject.
He placed first and I placed last. He deserved his place and I congratulated him.

All our quiz bee battles took hours to finish due to tie breakers.
We were always a tie.
Except in that particular subject.

When all the competitions was finally done. He congratulated me with a smile.
I couldn't help but notice the dimple in his left cheek every time he smiles.

He was cute.

Then and there. I never knew. That I was starting to have feelings for him.

We became friends and although  we were still arch enemies, we helped each other.
During exams and quizzes we reviewed together. Of course we still compete with each other but this time, it was a friendly competition.
We couldn't help it, we're both competitive and helping each other study is the least we can do as a friend.

That went on.
And instead of becoming just enemies we decided we could become partners. We are friends, so why can't we be partners right?
He was my partner on some projects and a foe to some reports.

We became the over powered, over knowledgable students of our class. Everyone (even other levels and sections) looked up to us and our classmates saw us as the most powerful threat.

We were always on top.
He was either top one, when I am top two or top two, when I am top one. That's our cycle.

When our sitting arrangement was renewed for third quarter.
I was placed beside him. We were both placed at the back due to our height.

We talked a lot, studied a lot.
And as time passes by we grew closer and closer together until we couldn't be apart anymore.

He was now my best friend, my partner, my study buddy and of course still my enemy.

I was surprised how close he is to the other section. I often see him eating with them. I wasn't stalking. It just happened that I can easily notice him and that our paths crossed so often. ( lol we're in the same school!)

It was an accident when I over heard him talking to a guy from the other section.
Excuse me, I wasn't eavesdropping okay? I was just passing by and they were talking beside the door for goodness' sake!

And so I was planning to go inside the classroom when I over heard them talking.
I was shocked hearing their conversation but I acted as if I wasn't.
I continued walking towards my seat.

They were talking about me. And how he...

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