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I waited and hoped he would still attend our graduation ceremony even just for his medal.
But he didn't.
I walked towards the stage now wearing a green toga over my white dress.

As I marched up the stage my eyes still searched for him towards the crowd.


He was there.

Sitting near the exit with a tall guy.
It must be his brother.

He wore a jacket and a cap but he was still recognizable.

I still recognized him and hated him for leaving me and letting me dance alone with the air.

After the ceremony I quickly searched for him again, I wanted to ask why he was here but didn't attend the ceremony. It was easy because people gossiped about his presence.

I saw him sitting in a bench while his brother was talking to a teacher.
After that, the teacher warned us not to go near him for he has a chicken fox.

Stupid chicken fox. Stupid him. I hate him.

I never got the chance to talk to him. As soon as I went home.
I wrote him a letter. A letter of confession. A letter thanking him for everything.

In that letter I confessed that I heard their conversation and that I have feelings towards him.  I thanked him for saving me from my sadness and helping me through everything.

I went to my classmate's house who was his neighbor and told my classmate to give that letter to him.

After that, summer vacation went by fast. I wasn't able to stay in touch with my friends because I didn't know how to use technology.
I enrolled at a different highschool.
It was fun, really. But I was lonely.

There's not a time I didn't think about him. I wondered how he was and who he's with.
When I finally knew how to use technology I connected with my old classmates.
I found out that he was still studying there.

I wanted to know how he was but I restrained myself from asking.

The next year. I convinced and begged my parents to enroll me back to my old school. I miss my friends, my classmates and yes, him.

They agreed and I studied there for my second year in highschool.
I was expecting we would be classmates again.

But faith played a different trick.

Because my grades dropped a little, I was put in a different section from him.

I sometimes visit their classroom to talk to my friends and sometimes, we talk as well.

Unlike before, now we rarely talk.
I would notice him passing by our classroom and sometimes, he'd look at me. I noticed how his face didn't change a lot and how he is now taller than me.

I sat next to the window so I get distracted easily.
Sometimes he says hi to me and sometimes I say hi to him. But that was that.

Until third year came.

I was late to enroll so I was put in a different section from him again.

Curse faith.

My family problems went from bad to worse and I? Became a wreck.

Everyone noticed.
My grades dropped as well as my performance. My face became miserable as hell.
I started to look older and stressed.

That year we never talked at all.

What was once sometimes now became a never.

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