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I've been loving him for six years now and I'm always grateful that he became my inspiration.

I never tried to keep in touch with him.
I wouldn't want to mess his life up.

I studied hard again so that one day, I could go to Japan on my own.
I'd fulfill my dreams there and maybe even look for him.

I'm currently aiming to be a psychiatrist at a known university here in the Philippines.

The last time I heard he was in Tokyo studying engineering.
He always liked drawing and math. It was perfect for him.

In the end we were destined to meet yet not destined to be together.

We were never the moon and the stars.

We were the moon and the sun.

Like parralel lines.

We had a story but it never had a once upon a time and it never ended with a happily ever after.

Sometimes I still hope to see him again.
I still see traces of him and he's still written in my heart even after all those years.

I needed to accept that our life was never a movie, a book or a song that'll end with me seeing him again.

We're not inside a frictional world.

I never even knew if he loved me too.

Some said he was in love with someone else. Some said he was in love with me.

There are few who thought he was gay.

I'll never know.

I sometimes wonder what if we actually ended up together?
What if I never left this school?
What if? Our love story actually began?

I smiled bitterly at that thought.

I should've told him how I feel. I should've talked to him.

In the end I regretted the chances I didn't take.

I still remember the past but I couldn't let myslef be stuck with it. I carried it till now. I carried our story up to this day and I always will.

Even if I love another I would never forget him. How could I?

I'm happy he became a part of my life. Although he might not be my ending but he will always have a special chapter in my life. He might actually be the beginning you know?

To you wherever you are.

Wishing you all the happiness in this world.

Thank you guys for reading and I hoped you enjoyed My Story.

Love lots! I am asking for your support please kindly follow my account if you are interested with my upcoming stories!


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