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Philip's POV

I woke up from my slumber by the sound of my alarn clock as I turned it off and yawned.

I then finished getting ready for the second day of school as I wave goodbye to my dad and walk out of the house to go to school.

I then reached the school as I go in and go tomy locker to put all my rhings there for now.

"Hey philip! Remember me?" I then look to see germany who is holding a book "oh hi germany and yes I remember you" I said with a smile as he smiled back and pat me "I heard what happened yesterday, I wish I could've stopped finland.." germany said as I chuckle "its alright germany, atleast I have two friends who stand out for me" I said as he nod.

Me and germany were just chatting while walking until O bumped into someone "hey! Watch where you're going!" the man told as I look to see....finland.. "Oh...its you.." he said as his grip tightens ready to lunch me I think... "How about you watch were you're going as well..." I said with a smirk as he just sigh and walk off "wow to scared to fight back huh?" I said as I chuckled until "you think I'm scared of a shortie like you?" he said with an evil smirk which made me pissed off "hey! I'm not short!" I said as I heard finland chuckeld and look at me "yeah right, shortie" he said with a grin as I walk to him while germany try to convince me to stop but I can't, I then pull his collar shirt down to face me "first off, dont call me shortie! And second, I will make you regret what you did to me yesterday!" I said with rage until he put my arms away "heh wow, a potato can actually think" he said as he walk off leaving me processing what he said until I knew.

"ge said something about me!! Grrr I'll show him!! Hold me back bro!!" I said while germany try to keep me calm and it work.

"Lets just...go to our class now.." germany said as I nod and walk off to our classes.

After achool nothing much happened and I'm lucky that I haven't seen finland since that incident I think? I was just in my classroom cleaning everything cause the teacher told me to stay and clean the classroom first before going back home.

Speaking of home I haven't text with hunter...I wonder what he is doing right now..but I don't wanna bother him...

I then finished cleaning as I grab my backpack and get out of the classroom and close it.

I was just walking in the halls until I heard footsteps...I think its a teacher or the janitor cleaning the floors or soemthing...

I continue to walk until my phone vibrate. I then took out my phone to see hunter is texting me.

Hunter: hey are you on?

Kiwi: yep, do you need something?

Hunter: well..I was wondering..if your school has a gym?

Kiwi: uhh yeah why?

Hunter: just go there and wait for a minute

Kiwi: uhm..okay?

I then put my phone in my pocket as I sigh and walk to where the gym is.

I then found the gym and goes in to see nothing..strange I feel something is off about this...

I then wait for a second until I heard footsteps as I quickly look around to see who's in here with me.

"Kiwi...is that really you...?" wait...kiwi? Is it...hunter? I then begin to look around but then everything got dark as I started to get scared.

"H-hunter..?" I try to look in the darkness until I bumped into someone.

"I-is that you hunter..?" I said as the lights are back on to see....no...it can't be....it can't be him.. "F-finland...?" my voice shakes as he look at me "are...are you really kiwi..?" he said as I nodded slowly..."f-finland...y-you're hunter..?" I said as he nod, this can't be...h-how can hunter be finland!?

He then hug me and whisper something to my non existant ear "I'm sorry about yesterday...I didn't know you were kiwi..." he said as he look at me until...he slowly kissed me...

I then quickly woke up to see I'm in my room as I sigh in relief. I then blushed when I realized finland kissed me...wait..why am I blushing..? I-I don't love him!!...d-do I..?

I then look at my alarm clock to see its 3:03AM as I sigh and hug my pillow and think about that kiss in my dream "h-he is handsome...w-wait what..?" I said to myself as I blushed madly "w-whatever! Its not like I like him o-or anything!" I whisper shouted myself as I go put a pillow on my face and slowly go back to sleep but now I keep dreaming about finland being hunter...great...my dreams are now being weird to me...

Sorry for the late upload and the short chapter, like I said I'm lazy af :'D

But I hope you guys enjoyed it UwU byeee!!

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