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Philip's POV

I was already in the school and I was just talking to belarus and germany while walking until I bumped into someone, I hope its not "him" again and I was relief that it wasn't him this time.

"Oi watch were ya going shorty" the man asked as I felt offended by him calling me shorty just wow. "Hey! I'm not a shorty!" I yelled not so loud at the man as he just chuckled.

"Get out of the way russia he's not gonna deal with your bullshits" belarus growled while nekomi just keep me safe from that man named russia "oh relxas sis, big bro is not gonna beat up the newbie" the girl poped out of nowhere behind russia to see a girl, wait, belarus has siblings?? "My name is estonia newbie" estonia just smirk as another person show up "names ukraine" the guy said as I can tell ukraine is bel's sibling too.

Russia just smirk as he got close to me a little bit "we are so called the knights of the shadows" russia said as he pat my head "knights of the shadows?" I asked confused which made estonia laugh a little "the knights of the shadows is our gang name and belarus was one of us but she left for a reason.." estonia said with a smirk "and a little boy like you should be afraid of us cause you don't wanna mess with us kitty~" russia said with hint of flirt in his tone and a smirk as I blush at the nickname "awww kitty is blushing~" russia laughs a little as they walked off to probably skipping class I think... "See ya around kitty~" russia winks and walks off as I just blush and growl at him "just ignore them, philip..." belarus said as we walked off to our class.


Classes are finally done and now its recess, oh thank god! I was just putting my stuff in my locker until... "Nice to see you again kitty~" I sigh as I look behind me to see russia is pinning me " what do you want, russia?" I asked as I crossed my arms as he just smirk and grab my waist, is he gay? Or he's just messing with me? "Well..I was wondering if you want to join my gang in the knights of the shadows~" he winked as I just rolled my eyes "I will never join your gang and thats it!" I said as I try to escape him which I failed as he leans closer to me "I will make sure you'll join my gang or else I will make you regret saying no~" he said with a hint of flirt but an anger tone as he start to put his hands on my ass until "HEY! HANDS OFF RUSSIA!" me and russia look to see finland who is giving death glares at russia. "Wow, I have never seen you would protect someone finland" russia said with a smirk which made finland growl and punches him "you motherfucker!! You were trying to herass him!!" finland yelled as he punches russia again but russia dodges it "okay, fine you win this time~ but remember kitty, its not over yet~" russia winks as he walks off.

Finland's POV

That bastard is now gone, good. I then look at the small boy as I aggresively pinned him to a wall which made him flinched "you fuckhead!! He almost fucking rape you! Why didn't you do anything!?" I shouted at him, luckily there was no one in the halls. The petite country thrn pushed me away from him "I-I was paralyzed for a moment okay!? And don't you dare shout at me like that you j-jerk!!" the little boy said as I slowly starting to get pissed. "Ugh whatever potato" I saud as I walked off, I can clearly feel he is triggered as I just go to my classroom.

Philip's POV

That jerk! I can handle it myself!! And HE JUST CALLED ME A POTATO HOW DARE HE!!

I just sigh and go to my classroom or else I'm gonna get detention!

-after school-

I was just walking home since my dad said he is really busy today at work and he will be home in the middle of the night, so I'm gonna be alone for a while..but luckily I have the extra key of the house since my dad has the other one.

Later I then heard footsteeps from behind as I look to see no one. 'Hmm..something felt wrong..' I then began to walk faster but then a memory came in my head 'okay, fine you win this time~ but remember kitty, its not over yet~' I then started to panic if russia is the one who is walking behind but I just shrug it off and just walk back home until someone grabed me and knock me out with a..birck..? I then heard a femiliar voice which made me panic "sweet dream kitty..~" I then closed my eyes as I started to black out.....

REEEEEEE SORRY FOR NOT UPDATIBG! :'D but here is the chapter! Thank you guys for waiting!! And I hope you guys enjoy reading it!! UwU btw should I make a sex scene in the next chapter? 7w7 you guys choose

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