3- Third lecture

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It wasn't uncommon to see a professor and a student discussing at the college's cafeteria, but what was odd was an almost-fired professor and the son of the Minister of Education sitting at the same table. Jeongguk stared at Taehyung blankly, the latter looking like he was told that adult cats shouldn't be fed milk.

One hour ago.

"Your personal what?"

"Language Taehyung-ssi," The director warned.

Taehyung bowed to the director and turned his attention back to Jeongguk, who had a mischievous smile plastered on his face, making Taehyung slightly feel uneasy about this entire situation.

"The Minister of Education is Jeongguk's father. He called a moment ago that he changed his mind and that he allowed you to keep on working here, at the condition of you becoming his son, Jeongguk's personal tutor and make him pass all his classes this year,"  The director informed.

Various emotions emerged inside him. He was stuck between feeling relieved and feeling anxious.

"But I'm a sociology professor," Taehyung asserted, hoping that this piece of information would force the director to convince the Minister to renounce on his condition.

"It's perfect. Jeongguk is a social science student majoring in politics,"

Taehyung saw his hopes vanishing into thin air. But then his eyes landed on Mirang, who was witnessing the entire scene from her desk.

"Mirang-ssi is a professor of politics, I think she is more suited for this," He said as he pointed to her.

He sent her a pleading look, but the latter simply responded to him with a "sorry" face and a shake with her head.

"You don't think I already thought of this? But Minister Jeon requested you, especially,"

There was nothing more he could say. Taehyung had no choice but to accept his fate as Jeongguk's personal tutor. He glanced at the latter, who looked at him with a strange hint of mystery in his eyes. Even though, he was relieved that he was not getting fired, Taehyung could not completely ignore the heavy feeling weighing down inside him.

Present time.

Taehyung sighed remembering the pressure that was dropped on his shoulders. From the time he failed the SNU entrance exam, there wasn't a single thing that was going smoothly in his life. But all he experienced these past years, were only trivial matters compared to what he was going to undergo now. He had to tutor the son of the  Minister of Education, Jeon Jeongguk, there couldn't be any worst scenario in his 27 years of life on earth.

He peered at the student, who was staring vacantly out the window. There was definitely something different about Jeongguk. It was as if he didn't belong to this place. Most students here were from either decent or well-off families, though this was a low ranked university, it was still among the top choices for rich families and aspiring students.

Then something rang a bell in Taehyung's mind. He quickly took his phone and searched "Keryo University Founder" and his eyes widened at the result.

"Jeon Jaehyung, "

The name earned Jeongguk's attention, who looked at him with confusion.

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