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"I am glad you decided to try out with Blair."

Whitney murmured as she did her makeup. At least she was more understanding of her then than her brothers. "I am still nervous Whit. What if I made the wrong decision." she pouted staring at her reflection.

"We can never know if we are doing the right thing unless we do it anyways." she replied. "And that is supposed to make me feel better?" Levon rolled her eyes.

Levon took a look at her reflection after she was done everything. The dress Whitney had helped her buy earlier looked so good on her. It was a short black lace round dress coupled with a pair of white sneakers.
"Perfect." Levon stared amazed.
"You are going to blow his minds out when he sees you. Can't wait for the details." Whitney grinned.

"Hell no. There isn't going to be any details." She tried hard to hide her blush and excitement.
"Hell yes. I bet my money on that. No man in their right mind would not do a thing with you in that dress." Whitney grinned widely. Levon rolled her eyes.

Whitney gave her a ride to the address Blair had texted her. "Have fun and don't forget to use protection in case you go all the way.", Whitney winked at her.

"Ew Whit." Levon grimaced. "What? Anything could happen." she shrugged.
"Nothing is going to happen so stop saying it. Thanks for the ride. See you tomorrow." Levon quickly escaped the car before her friend made any other sex innuendo.

A host welcomed her at the lobby of the restaurant immediately leading her to where Blair was already waiting. She felt so nervous about what to expect.

Her eyes on cue stopped at the cozy bright sapphires. She felt the heat spread around her neck to her cheeks. He looked so handsome sitting at the table smiling at her.

It had been that long since she went on a date.
"Hey." she whispered when she reached the table.

"Hey." His smile grew wider leaning down to peck her cheek before he muttered a throaty hey. How could one simple touch of his lips turn her inside out?

Blair pulled her chair like a gentleman before he moved back to his. "Sorry I am late." she said.
"Like I told you, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you are here." His words made her blush slightly if not the look he was giving her.

"This place is really good." Levon complimented breaking his stare that was making her fidgety. And it was.
Beautiful bright chandeliers hang by the ceiling, white cotton table cloth covered each table and the beautiful decorations on each table gave it a romantic feeling.

"Wait when you taste their food. It is good." Blair said.

A waitress interrupted them asking for what they would love to order. Levon let Blair order for her since he was more familiar with the menu and he had complimented the food.
"A bottle of Pinot Noir too please." Blair added before the waitress walked away.

Levon was relieved the waitress was a professional one and didn't dare bat a lash at Blair.

"I was meaning to ask the course you did at college." Blair asked.
"A Bachelor's degree in Mechanical engineering." she replied.
"Wow. That is great." he stared.
"Did your course decision have to do with the fact that your family owned an auto shop?" Blair asked curiously.

"Partly. I have been also been obsessed with cars and engines ever since I was young. I wanted to drive race cars or design them which led to my decision."

Blair stared at her the entire time as she spoke. It felt good that she had his attention and he was interested in what she wanted. Most guys were repelled to women who talked about such thimgs.

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