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After the first date, Levon and Blair went to other dates and spent most of their time together. Despite the fact her brother's were against the idea, she never stopped going out with him.

At first it was fun and then it became super fun until the past few days. She realised several things were changing about her. She cared so much about Blair. He was her first thought and last and she loved being near him. She felt so alive, so wanted whenever she was with him. She felt so special in his eyes.

His presence made her heart beat wildly each time. Each time he held her hand or made a compliment, her heart flattered. There were times she thought of a future with him and it all just confused her.

She liked liked Blair.

She had fallen hard for Blair.

Thinking about it and admitting it aloud scared the hell out of her. How had the time passed? How hadn't she recognized when her feelings had changed?

"Oh my God Von! That doesn't sound good at all." Whitney paced left to right in her bedroom.
"I effing damn know Whitney." Levon muttered.
"So what you going to do? Are you going to tell him how you feel?" Whitney asked when she stopped pacing.

"Hell no!"
"I mean if you tell him how you feel, you will get to find out what he is thinking. If he is feeling the same." Whitney coaxed.

Blair had told him various times how much he adored her, like her, liked her hair, liked her touch. These things didn't conclude that he had fallen for her too. What would happen if she didn't feel the same.

"Am not doing that. I don't want to listen to his voice when he tells me to my face that I mean nothing and it was just for fun before he went back."

"Do you really think that it was only that for him, that it was only fun?" Whitney cast a gaze at her.
"I don't know. He has been so sweet and kind and gentle. It all has me in a daze." Levon admitted.

"I have seen the way that guy looks at you. He looks like a man in love. You should tell him before it is too late." Whitney advised.

"We are meeting at the street tonight. I think I should tell him after."
"You definitely should."


The street which was blasting with music by the time Whitney's red Ferrari halted in the parking lot. It was as lively as ever and everyone looked excited.

"Von, over there." Whitney pointed. Levon raised her gaze to find Blair smiling and talking to a beautiful redhead. Jealous.

The ache in her chest confirmed her feelings. They looked so cozy with each other and Blair was so in on what the touchy red hair was telling him. This is what she was so afraid of. She had gotten so attached to Blair that it hurt.

"Are you alright? It may not seem like what you are thinking right now." Whitney stared wearily.
"Am good." she lied. She was far from good not when the red hair was so close to him giving him the seductive smile.

"Do you want to go to talk to him maybe?"
"No need. He is already so engrossed with the red hair. There is no need to interrupt."

Levon knew Whitney was seeing through her but she didn't care. She wasn't his girlfriend so she had no right to claim him or anything. They had gone on a few dates but that meant nothing or it did. She didn't want to come off as a jealous person.

Levon walked over to his brothers. Liam was smiling at Stella and Leo had Catherine on his lap. Both of them looked so happy and it hit her hard. She wished she could be that close with Blair.

"What do you want to drink?" Whitney asked after sending greetings to the brothers and their girlfriends. "A beer." Levon replied before Whitney excused herself.

"Hello gorgeous."

Levon winced and stiffened when he realised the voice belonged to Scar. He was the last person he wanted to see then. It was good her brothers where there with her because then Scar wouldn't attempt anything stupid.

"Scar." she acknowledged.

"You look really beautiful tonight. Where is your little boyfriend today?" he furrowed his eyebrow at  her.
"Fuck off Scar." Levon growled.

"You heard her Scar. Piss off." Liam glared at him. Scar respected his brothers so he backed off.

"Chill out guys. I only came to say hey." he smirked mostly at Levon.
"You are done so leave." she ordered.
"Alright. Feisty much. See you later beautiful." Scar winked before he walked away.

Levon sighed. When she rose her eyes up, Blair was walking towards her. She excused herself from her brothers brisking the other way. Blair caught up with her after ignoring him when he called.

"Levon gosh." Blair caught her arm before she flew away further.
"Get your hand off me." she glared. He frowned releasing her hand.
"Did I do something? Why are you so mad at me?" Levon scrutinized his face.

He was oblivious of course. She had nothing to say to him after what happened.
"Fuck wait." He caught up with her again blocking her way this time.
"Did I do anything? Why are you avoiding me?" Blair furrowed his brows.

"Are you seriously asking me that Blair?" she rose a brow at her.
"Yes. I thought we are fine." He was really dumb or he was so good with pretence. She was going to stick with the latter.

"We are not Blair." she retorted back.
"What is the matter then?" he asked.
"Do you want me to spell it out to you then. You and that redhead for heaven's sake. Is that what you take me for, a joke?" she glared.

Realization dawned on him. Levon was already away from him running at the back of the nearby alley. She heard footsteps follow behind her and Blair's voice calling after her until it stopped replaced by a loud thud like a fall and groan.

She immediately stopped in her tracks. This hallway was dimly lit and vacated since everyone was at the track watching the race. Her curiosity peaked when she heard pained grunts.

They were Blairs. She was certain. She rushed back behind finding the most heart wrenching moment happening. Four mask covered me were beating Blair to a pulp helplessly. When the culprits realised they had been blown, they ran away after stomping and kicking him in the stomach.

By the time she reached where he was coiled in pain, Blair was cussing and grunting in pain.

Guilt overpowered the jealous at that time. "Blair." she called breathlessly.
"Levon." he whispered.
"Blair. God, open your eyes." she pleaded lifiting his head in her hands.

"I wasn't flirting with..."

"Shh. I don't care now. I need to get you out of here." She hadn't realised how painful it felt watching him like that until her voice came out strained.

"Blair. Can you stand on your feet? You are so hurt. I need...I need to tend to these wounds." she croaked. Blair yelped in pain when she attempted to lift him up.

"Sorry." She apologized trying again. After several attempts and winces, Blair was on his feet as she propped him. She led him at the back in the parking lot where their car was packed. Easing him into a seat, Levon quickly reached for the first aid kit at the back.

It was times like this that she was grateful Whitney kept a first aid kit in the car.

Her heart sank when she clearly examined the cuts on his face. One on his eye brow, a dark eye and an split lip.

"Buckle up. This is going to hurt like a bitch."

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