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Blair watched Levon run away from the table with tears threatening to fall from her eyes. His heart broke to pieces and he became panicked. Her mom had gone too far with Levon. If he knew this was how she was going to behave, he wouldn't have brought Levon along with him.

He couldn't lose Levon. He couldn't lose the girl he loved so much. Kevon had just admitted herself she loved him. This was his cue.

"Blair, dont."

Blair ignored her mother's warning as he sprinted from the table after Levon. The chilly evening air welcomed him as soon as he ran out of the house.

With the thick reinforced ceiling of the mansion, he didn't know when it had started raining. The pelts hit hard hard on him as he raised his eyes searching for any sign of Levon.

He had driven her here and as matter of fact, their mansion was a couple of miles away from her house. Had she ran in the rain? The rain was strong and stormy. It was already dark. She was angry. He would never forgive himself if anything happened to her.

Blair caught Levon's silhouette rush out of the gate and fuck the rain, he ran after her.

He called after her but with how hard the rain was falling, she couldn't hear him. The nearer he got to her and yelled for her to slow down, the faster she ran ignoring him. He increased his pace until he caught up with her stopping her but her arm.

"Jesus! Can you slow down for a minute?" Blair yelled out of breath.

"Go away Blair." Levon yelled angrily rudely stepping away from his touch.

"Will you listen for a sec at least?" he pleaded.
"I thought your dear mother already made it clear. Leave me the fuck alone Ford." she sneered.
"Does it matter what she says?" Blair yelled frustrated.

"Yes. It is not like I mean anything to you Blair. I am just another of the many girls in your bed, vacation fling perhaps. You have to accept it is over. This is the end Blair."

Levon took a few steps back. The act made him want to close that space and hold her in his arms and show her how much she meant to him. She had never been a vacation fling, not even when he met her. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever met. She was the girl he had fallen for hard.

"Is that what you think? Do you really think that this was only a fling?" Blair frowned.
"Jesus Levon! After everything I have said, does is it still not make sense?" he questioned. Levon stared dumbfounded.

"It doesn't matter now, does it? It is over Blair. We are done." she uttered in a hard tone.

"No. I love you Levon. Call me crazy but I have been in love with you since the first day I saw you in the oil covered overall getting off that bike."

Levon nodded her head. "You have got to stop Blair."

"I love you Levon Quinn." Blair shouted on top of his voice before he turned to look back at her.
"Does that prove how wrong you are about me?" Blair arched a brow at her.

Levon stood speechless staring at him. Blair sighed waiting for her to say something. Whatever she said could change anything. However when she spoke, Blair felt his whole world spinning.

"It doesn't change anything Blair."

One sentence. Five words translated to so many things on his head in a matter of a minute. His love didn't change that they were over. It didn't change that she was very angry at him.

He was broken to so many pieces but losing her was something she could bit afford. She grew on him and meant a lot to him than anything.

"I am sorry about what my mother said. I won't force you to do something you don't want to Levon. I just don't want to lose you because I love you so much. I will hate myself when I realise I lost the only person who lit up my world without even trying."

"That is not fair Blair. You can't do this to me." Levon muttered hoarsely.

Blair did the most logical thing he could think of. He closed the space between them, held her in his arms and kissed her. Levon didn't protest against him. She welcomed him with open arms as they got lost in the most sensual kiss under the rain.

He felt good with her in his arms. That was the place he was meant to be. Everything felt like it was falling in place but why did he feel like it was more like goodbye. The thought made him cling closer to her.

"Come with me to Los Angeles." Blair whispered against her lips. At this moment he was begging.

"I can't." Levon pulled away.

Her words stung but Blair wasn't about to back down. "Is it because you can't or this is about your family? You could enroll in a racing academy in Los Angeles and live your dreams. I could find an apartment and we could stay together. We..."

She stops his rambling with a kiss before she quickly breaks away pulling away from his arms.

"I can't just run away with you Blair. I can't just abandon my family. They need me right now than ever." Levon explained.
Blair gazed at her with a frown. She wasn't making sense to him. She loved him and so did he. Why was she making it hard? It was just simple Mathematics.

"I am making a sacrifice too Levon. You are being selfish here. I am going against my mother for you and instead you are making things harder for me."

Blair regretted the words as soon as they got out of his mouth.

"I don't want you to make sacrifices for me." she growled angrily.

"I want to and I am willing to Levon. I already told you I won't give up so easily. What I feel for you in my heart is deep. I can't help but think about you most time, every damn time." Blair argued.

He was losing her. It was happening and he couldn't do a thing about it. He felt the bile rise up his throat.

"I can't Blair, not in the name of love or ever. Me and you is the worst idea that could happen. Look at all those people who are against us, my family, now yours. Open your eyes and see that we will never make it through the storm. Just let it go and forget I ever existed because I am going to do the same."

That did it. In a matter of seconds, Blair was puking his guts out. When Levon reached out to help him, he stopped her.

"Just go."

Blair said. The two words felt like poison but he couldn't do anything then. Levon wasn't going to change her mind any time.

"You are not..."

"Please just go."

Hesitantly, Levon ran away. It wrecked him that he had done nothing. Like that, he had lost the woman he ever truly loved. He puked once again tears flowing down his eyes at the same time. The heart break was so vile and fresh.

He looked up to the clouds that were casting down the rain in sheer mock and shouted.

However much he hurt, he understood what Levon meant. That was an absurd proposal to make. Roles reversed, he wouldn't have left Los Angeles. It was not fair to her.

He shouted one last time falling to his knees.

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