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Levon wasn't surprised that the Ford residence was indeed huge. She was nervous then how the inside really was. "Are you nervous?" Blair asked squeezing her hand a little. She nodded.

Everything about the place screamed luxury and money. She was like a contrast canvas at the moment.
"You shouldn't be. I can already tell they will like you." Blair smiled genuinely at her.

"Let me hope so." she smiled back.
"Come on, we don't want to keep them waiting, now do we?" Blair knocked.

Immediately the door opened. A man not older than fifty opened the door. Hazel eyes, dark black hair, full height. He was Blair's dad perhaps. He looked handsome for a man whose simple wrinkles had started to show.

"Hello dad." Blair broke the silence. So he was his father.

"Blair." Daniel, Blair's father he had mentioned so many times welcomed him with a warm hug. "I am guessing you must be Levon Quinn, the girl my son has not stopped chirping about." Daniel smiled genuinely at her.

Blair had been talking about her to his family. It was great but it also made her nervous at the same time. Blair didnt deny it either.
"Come on you guys. I don't need any of you catching a cold." Daniel invited them inside.

The house was so incredulously organized and spotless. The white walls gave a new feeling of life to it and the modern frames, paintings and decorations were on point.
"You know I have visited your father's shop several times this year, it is really great." Daniel said.

"Thanks. We try our best to reach customer satisfaction." Levon replied.
"And it was Blair who recommended me. I like my new engine pretty well thanks to those guys, your brothers?" he asked.
"Yes." Levon stole a glance at Blair who ignored her look.

Blair and Daniel had the best son-dad relationship. She had witnessed their banter, their conversation, how they felt so free with each other. She felt happy for her but it also made her a little sad. Would her relationship with her father ever be the same?

"Levon, did you know Blair painted most of the paintings in here." Daniel turned to her.
"They are beautiful." she replied. And it was the truth. Blair was so talented.

"My son is great at what he does. I am so proud of him." Daniel patted his son's back lovingly.
"By the way dad, where is mom?" Blair asked.
"In the kitchen, I swear the damn woman has spent hours in there." Daniel sighed.

"I already told her we don't need a banquet." Blair muttered.
"You know how she is when we have guests over." Daniel shrugged.

"Come on Levon, time to meet my mom." Blair smiled as he led her to a hallway leading to the kitchen.

"Mom." Blair called gaining the attention of an elegant slender blonde woman who exuded elegance, power, wealth and respect. Her blue eyes gave her the most appealing look with her high cheek bones giving her an Angelina Jolie kind of look.

One would think she was one of the vogue models with the perfectly tailor made empire waist silk dress despite her have been in the kitchen for long. She looked composed and intimidating.

Lydia didn't spare her a glance as she embraced and pecked his son.
"What took you so long dear? I was about to tell Miriam to give you a call." Her perfected voice filled the whole room. Levon knew where Blair got her eyes.
"Mom, this is Levon, my girlfriend." Blair happily introduced.

"Turn off the oven, I don't like the turkey over heated." Lydia ordered a maid before she gazed back at her.
Her look wasn't wicked or happy but Levon could tell already she wasn't found of her that much.
"The girl who got you into those street games. She is prettier in person than I imagined. " Lydia's eyes sized her. She squirmed under her scrutinizing gaze.

"Mom." Blair warned.
"Nice to meet you finally Levon Quinn." she pecked her quickly and then gazed at her son. The night was so early but at least she knew who had her back. Lydia wasn't on the list for sure.

"Alright then, I will meet you in the dining." Lydia smiled at Blair completely ignoring her. As soon as she was out of sight of Blair's mother, Levon sighed.
"She doesn't like me." she blurted.
"Don't worry about mother. She will come around." Blair shrugged.

"I just hope so. I hope so." Levon muttered under her breath.

The food was laid on the table by the maids. There were Levon so many dishes for four people bit she wasn't going to complain. It was their home, they did what was best for it and she wasn't going to judge.

"What about you Levon? What did you study at college?" Daniel asked curiously. She was ecstatic it didn't feel like an interrogation. Daniel had been nothing but nice and kind in contrast to Lydia.

"Mechanical engineering. I probably would want to join a racing academy sometime but as of right now, I am pretty contented with working at Quinn auto shop." Levon answered.

"That explains why Blair came back with bruises last time. Have you been involving him in those illegal street races?" Lydia arched a brow at her.
"Mom, I already told you it wasn't Levon's fault." Blair defended.
"She has this thing called a mouth son so why don't you let the woman speak for herself." Lydia frowned.

As good as the turkey tasted earlier, her mouth turned sour.
"Honey." Daniel narrowed his gaze at his wife.
"Why are you all men so defensive?i mean I am not trying to be mean but race cars doesn't sound like a career to me." Lydia waved them off. Levon stilled.

"It might not be important to you but it is to me. I ask you to respect that." Levon replied politely.
"Wow, wo..."

"Mom." Blair scowled.
"What son? This woman you call your girlfriend has brought nothing but trouble to you. Do you know how heartbroken I was when you went missing and came back with bruises?" Lydia scoffed hard.

"You know this could get you and my son arrested but you still agreed to it?"

"I don't think you came all the way back here to get into trouble less alone jail and all for what?" she gazed at her. Levon had heard enough. It was enough disrespect for a night.

"I am sorry for everything Mr. and Mrs. Ford. I didn't mean any trouble for your son." Levon gulped hard.
"Well, you already did Levon. I just knew you were not the kind of woman my son needed when he mentioned the name Quinn." Lydia glared.

"Mom stop it." Blair growled.

"I already told you son. I will find you a good woman to marry." Lydia muttered.

Lydia had crossed the line judging her because of her family name, because they were poor, because their status was not closer to the Fords. One thing she knew was her family was very much respected however poor they were.

"I might be bad influence to your son because I am not rich and I work in a garage and maybe I earn twenty five dollars a day and attend some illegal races but let me tell you one thing madam, you are not better than my brothers. I don't love your son because he is rich but because I accepted who he is even if I know he is out of my league."

Levon tensed when she realised the L word had slipped out through her outburst. She hadn't meant to confess it like that. It was too late, she couldn't take it back. Blair dumbfounded stared at her no word slipping across the table for a minute.

This was the time she put it into consideration that maybe her brothers were right.

"I am sorry if I have offended anyone. I don't like people insulting me for who they think I am. You can also find him another woman because he and I are over." Levon stood up from the chair and rushed out of the Ford residence.

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