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I'm in a bit of hurry
Wanna leave as early as possible

But when the lights go down
My heart beat pounds
I feel like a prisoner inside my own body
Nothing makes sense at times, days starts passing and the night begins to howl

The dreams that I weave
Are interfered by sadness
It is like a hunter,waiting for my madness

It prey on me with planned moves
As calculating as a killer
And everytime I'm about to become a winner
It bites me and makes my motives a little thinner

I distract myself from it all
Excuse the outer world,
But Behind the close doors
Its my soul that is sold

I've never believed in happy endings
Neither in any god
I just understand that my action will always lead to a cause.

A/N : Another fresh piece straight from the oven. Don't forget to like, share and comment.

Until Next time XO XO

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