chapter 3

108 11 11

"Did he call you?"


"Don't be silly, the cute guy who followed you from class last week." I act clueless but Becky keeps on teasing me with her naughty smirk.

"The one who tripped on a banana skin right in front of you? Becca stop playing dumb with me he's like the only guy who ever run after you!" That hurt a little. He wasn't the only guy who ever run after me so I stop playing dumb and say shyly,

"Oh you mean Forrest? Yeah he called me. You think he's cute?" I scrunch my nose and Becky stares at me with her mouth in the shape of O. she actually says oh!

"Oh he did? Of course I think he's cute. OMG! Did he start the conversation in a sexy way,like..(she stammers) like..u'm ..hey sexy or hey shawty, hey beautiful, hey pretty or was he the kind that inaugurates a convo blabbering about himself and asking for booty pics. Come on girl tell me, I wanna what time did he text you?"

"At 10pm" I fudge.

"Did he ask what you were wearing?" She asks licking her lower lip.

I look at her surprisingly and open my mouth to say something but close it again only to open it again and curse! "Becky! Jesus! God in heaven, Who even asks a girl they saw randomly and decides to ask for their number that!" But she guffaws after rolling her eyes so hard I think they'll go blank and says picking at my nose in a low pitched penetrating and most seductive voice." we're in the 21st century girl, people fuck on their first dates"

"Fuck off perv." I shoo her away but she mimics me and slaps her butt mouthing "kiss my ass nerd" before heading out.


This is me thinking about Becky when I get home after a long shopping day. Normally she chose perfect clothes that made her a diva, hugging her figure and accentuating her assets unlike me the grunge type. So, it happened that the two boys had been heading to the same mall as I but they never noticed me so it didn't matter if I overheard their conversation. Not like I wanted them to notice me anyway. I bought new jeans, sneakers, a couple of turtlenecks for my long neck, undies and only one fuchsia pinafore dress. My favourite colour is black because it matches every other colour but the way this collarless, strapless dress with medium sized straps on the shoulder looked great on me I opted for fuchsia.
My art teacher told me that fuchsia is a symbol for elegance and good taste.
I arrange my closet and as I sink at the thoughts of Becky and the last days we spent together, Mershy squeals and scratches my door.
I open the door and he jumps with delight as I squat to rub his back and as if to show gratitude, he licks my face and keeps his tongue stuck out.


"Becca?" My mum shakes me from my nap. I wake up in disgust but she doesn't realize because my elbow blocks her from seeing half of my face as I rub my eyes endlessly.

"Mum? " I call her pouting."can I please sleep for ten more minutes?"

"No hunnie, dress up for dinner.we're going out!"

I yank off my sheets and bulge my half-Chinese-swollen-with sleep eyes out in amazement.

"what? Who's taking us out? What about Willy? Who's going to watch over him!"

She shares my excitement by rubbing the back of my hand and blessing my life with that heavenly smile.

"your dad is coming over tonight! He travelled all the way to come see you before you start school on Monday"

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