chapter 7

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The last few days have been so exciting. I have never imagined my life as sunshine and rainbows. Brian always comes either to hang out or drop something from the market during weekends or Rick and sometimes when they come together for dinner on weekdays, mum and Rick always allow us to go upstairs to my room In excuse that he's helping me with my homework. Everyone knows I'm poor in maths. I score the least grade it's a shame. Brian doesn't really help me with class maths. Call it body maths because he's always subtracting clothes off my body, diving my legs and adding sensational feelings in me.
I've been good at not trying to laugh Everytime I say "mom, I'll be up with Brian helping me with maths."
I think mum and Rick too have something up their sleeves. Like I once overheard them talk about merging to open up a boutique. This is a huge progress for her. When I'm financially stable, I want such friends to help me grow businesswise too. Willy is now two months to two years and  I can't wait for him to start calling me Becca instead of Mekka. I'm not the holiest city for heaven's sake! Especially when someone has been licking all my juices and God forgive us because that's as far as we get. He hasn't put his p in my v yet anyway. It's just been touching, heavy petting and rubbing. Nothing more.
I have made a couple of friends in class and surprisingly Blake isn't the worst friend one can have. August is always on edge and so snappish. It's not cute. He looks like the kind that sees a therapist after school because honestly I don't understand why he is so irritable. He's probably a misanthrope it's quite a loss because I wish he was my friend.

Yesterday miss Turner asked the whole class to write,each one either a poem that rhymes or a prose and please help me Lord because I am about to switch my phone off on Brian. He keeps texting even when I tell him I am in class or I am busy doing something important.


"Hey, what did you write?" Pam asks when we get to class yanking my denim coat.

"Couldn't get my thoughts together to form rhymes man"  a yawn escapes my lungs and I move my face aimlessly over my face.

" I wrote a quintain" she says and I coo.

"Wow! Can I see it? " I show interest but she shoos me away.
Gosh dang it! I slap her back lightly and she smiles smugly. At least we play sometimes. I don't know much about her because she Skips school often than any other I know but I  haven't been able to ask her why since she's always so bubbly when it comes to me I'd hate to ruin that by asking something that might probably make her moody. I mean it could be something personal. People don't skip school because everything's alright unless they're getting some and you don't get some as often as that.
If you do, then Well, can't be me.
I crane my neck and look at August still dull as ever I wonder when he ever smiles. He sees me staring at him and moves uneasily so I wave and mouth hi but he ignores me. I'm used to that by the way. Blake sits next to Amara now. What a pair!

"who stole your bowl of sunshine thundercloud?" 
Miss Turner walks in and pats his wavy hair slightly.
Friendrich is the class nerd. Well, he sits at the front so it's easy for teachers to notice when he's down in the mouth. I talk to him once in a while when I want help with maths. Real actual maths.

"I had to rub a snail off my jacket I can't still fathom how it's mucus leave traces like a map. Does a snail have a brain? I stuffed it in my pocket for further research."  He proses just as immediately as asked and causes almost everyone to grimance in disgust except August who stays still. I think I am spying on him. He barely makes facial expressions unless they're annoying and the kind to tell you stay the fuck out of my way.

Friendrich waves his hands in the air nonchalantly and mouths to no one in particular "what! It's just a question!"

"You'll have to do your research there." Miss Turner shifts her attention  from him. I bet she's disgusted too." I want to hear your poems and proses. Where should we start? Yeap there.." she points at the back and Aubrey looks at all corners wondering if it is her to begin really.

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