chapter 11

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I don't remember my sheets being incredibly soft and breathable. Much less clean white. I fancy coloured sheets. Matter of fact, I've never had paintings in my room and as I struggle to balance imagination and reality in my head, I move my feet to sit straight but my legs are bound to the bed by something I can't reach. A chill of fear makes me panic until I look around and see what a huge luxurious room I am in. The ceiling seems to me as nothing realistic or nothing common, layered with Van Gogh's starry night painting with colours meeting shapes and textures in an exquisite coordination and the custom windows take my breath away. If it weren't for the cuffs binding me to the bed, I'd have already walked and had a glimpse of where I was. My mind is too blank to recall last night's events and how I wound up here. I jump with a start when the door cracks open. Eeeaassy it's just the adrenaline. August walks in fully dressed in his good sense of dark clothing. I can't say I am shocked. I remember him and the Barbie dolls together with my friends in a circle playing a game but that's all. The rest is a dark hollow where I can't see their images in my head. I guess nothing else happened then!

"Don't bulge your eyes at me." He stares down at me his face devoid of expression.
Immediately, I run my hands below the sheets and feel myself bare assed. It should have been the first thing I noticed when I woke up but I guess the feeling of abduction creeped up on me in a beautiful luxurious Kings room.
Light headed and embarrassed, I am unable to say anything. It's not fun being brainwashed. I hate moments when nothing's clear to me. I love to picture the events of everyday in my minds eye in order of occurrence.

"Your mum kept calling your phone. Are you sure you're not in trouble? "

I stay still.
Silently, I remember Brian's voice trail off on the phone. I sigh and make a face and the rest replays in my head fast forwarding and casting my mind back to my dad giving me an empty feeling of sadness.

" You might have to get up and freshen up. I'll drive you home."
He says smiling like a Madonna.


"Have you any idea where my phone could be? "  I ask anxiously.

"You snoozed with your phone next to you. Had to take it to the next room because snuggling up to your phone could be hazardous to your health." He informed me raising his chin. " Do you want me to get it now or after you're ready?"  He adds.

Instead of giving him and answer, I finally find my voice.

"I don't remember the Jink Band performing."

I pause.
He draws a long breath probably framing a reply but I don't let him say anything.

"Did Pam come along?"
"Did I kiss anybody?"
"Why am I bare-assed?"
"Is this an hotel room?"
" Did we share this bed?"
"What about-

He cuts me off with, " eeeeeasy Becca. No we didn't have sex if that's what you're asking. You're in my apartment and you took off your clothes and yes you kissed a few but it was a game so you don't have to worry about anything. There's more than one room here. Everyone else was as wasted as you were."

I nod thoughtfully then glance back at him precipitously.

He uncuffs me with nothing to do but explain. " You were so drunk I had to restrain you so that you'd sleep. Couldn't handle you!"  His eyes rest solemnly on my face making it hard for me make my "O" surprised face.

After a pause, he moves to the window and draws the curtains illuminating light into the room.

"Everything you need Is in the bathroom. I'll activate Siri incase you have any questions. You'll let me know when you're done." He says with finality and leaves.

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