Who Likes Who?

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I made my way back inside the building and made a beeline for the locker room. I was semi excited about going to dinner later with Dean, but it was pretty obvious what he was looking for.  I sat down in front of my bag and sighed. I just wanted to be happy...like Phil and April happy. They were so cute and happy. But then again she was bubbly, cute, funny...everything I was not. I was just me...totally ordinary and no one special. I couldn't even fake it.

"Ang? What happened with you and Ambrose?"

I was so completely lost in thought that I never noticed that some of the girls had come in to start getting ready for the show

I shrugged "Nothing really. He just wanted to talk"

"The uh...hickey on your neck says otherwise..." she smirked

"The WHAT!?!"

I got up and ran into the bathroom and sure enough there it was. "SHIT"  I muttered as I inspected it in the mirror, trying to figure out how to hide it. I groaned in frustration and came out with my hand on the mark and sat down by April. She ripped my hand away and covered it with my hair

"Jesus Angie you walk around with your hand there all day you'll just draw attention to it. Just have hair and make up cover it for you. No one will ask so don't worry about it.  You didn't sleep with him did you? I told you he was trouble."

"No, April I didn't sleep with him. I'm not completely stupid. I knew what he wanted. I'm just not ready to do that with anyone let alone him so...I am having dinner with him tonight after the show"

"Oh Ang no. Don't do it. Because you're going to regret it. He's using you Angie. I think you're like one of the only girls back here who is single and hasn't slept with him. There's no future with Dean Ambrose. I promise you once he gets what he wants from you the relationship is over. He won't even talk to you when we're all back here working together. I'm serious. He only talks to Danielle because she will still sleep with him on occassion."

I nodded slightly and looked down. I didn't have the guts to tell her that I really really liked him. I respected April and her opinion though because she was becoming my really good friend. She and I got up and walked together to hair and make up. I always walked with my eyes down to avoid seeing people look at me. I just didn't like it. We walked down a narrow hallway and a hand touched and then slowly dragged across mine as the familiar scent of peppermint gum followed behind. I looked down at my hand and then behind me to see who it was. Dean was walking backwards waiting for me to react to what he'd done. I blushed and smiled. He smiled back and I blushed again and continued walking with April.

I sat in the chair getting my hair and make up done. April sat next to me when Kaitlyn walked up and they started talking. I folded my hands on my lap and looked down as I sort of twiddled my thumbs. They were best friends and I wasn't going to intrude on a conversation that I was not a part of. The lady doing my make up hid the hickey on my neck for me and I smiled and thanked her and continued looking down.

"Can I ask you something?"

I shrugged and nodded

"So I know you're not shy because we've had a lot of conversations and you have no problem talking to us. Where's the self confidence? Like you have none...zero. You try to hide it and you have a ton of confidence in the ring, but outside the ring...?"

"I....I have my reasons."

"You know Ambrose likes you"

"No, he likes the idea of trying to get me in bed. I have NOTHING to offer him beyond that and he's not getting it from me so" I shrugged

"Please. He LIKES you. He wouldn't be trying so hard if all he wanted from you was sex. He doesn't take girls that he's just banging out to dinner. I'm just saying. He's not a complete dick like the other girls make him out to be."

"How did you find out about taking me to dinner?"

"He told me that's how.  Angie look I don't know you very well and I know April knows you better, but you need to find some self confidence. You are, honestly, one of the prettiest divas back here. You have beautiful eyes. But this lack of confidence...it's a total turn off for men...is bad. You have to know how pretty you are right?"

I shrugged, shook my head and got up and headed back to the locker room. I looked in the mirror and stared at myself for a second. Nope, still just ordinary me. No amount of make up is going to change that. I wasn't doing anything in the ring tonight so I didnt really have anything to do. I wandered over to catering for some water and watched Raw on the monitors.

Dean/Jon's POV:

I came out of the bathroom and went to my bag and grabbed the tape for my hands. I felt like I was being watched so I looked over to see Colby and Joe staring at me


Colby: "What do you mean what? What's going on with the new diva??"


"My ass nothing...what's with the flirty hand touching in the hallway?"

"I just touched her hand. So what. She's making me work for it so there ya go."

Joe: "Wait a minute. You're just using her? You don't like her or anything?"

"NO. Why the hell would I do that? Come on I have a reputation to uphold here. I don't date and I don't have girlfriends. I have one night stands with drunk girls from bars. That's what I do...and I sleep with the divas....yeah...that's it"

"You're a fucking pig Jon. Seriously."

I laughed and started taping my wrists and hands. I wasn't going to admit anything to them. They don't even have to know I'm taking her out tonight. Truth is I do like her. I like her a lot. I just don't think she likes me. I think the other girls have filled her head so full of shit she's formed an opinion of me without even knowing me. I hoped to change that tonight.

We walked out of the room and towards the gorilla area. I spotted her in the distance. I could spot her anywhere. She was watching the monitor and sipping water. I walked by and our eyes locked for a second and I smirked seeing her blush. Her eyes were so pretty. And whatever make up they put on her made them stand out and seem bluer than usual. I quickly turned my attention to my upcoming match, but as usual lately I had my mind on Angie. She just might end up the one who changes my mind about relationships. I just needed to convince her that I wasn't trying to use her or hurt her.

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