Can't You See?

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We walked into the arena together. I was slightly cautious of everything because I knew the marks on my neck were visible. I didn't want to have to answer a million questions and I didn't want any rumors or speculation. I knew I could trust Phil and Colby and April, but I didn't know who else saw the 4 of us leave. I had no idea if I was going to be able to keep things casual between Colby and I. I didn't know if I could keep it casual around Eva Marie. We didn't get along very well, but her sleeping with my husband hasn't exactly made me like her more. I knew it was easy for Jon. He was used to sleeping with random girls and not giving a shit afterwards. I had only ever been with Jon before I slept with Colby...this was new for me. I didn't know how to not have feelings involved.  I didn't love him at all. I didn't even really care. It was just different. It was hard to explain.  We walked into our locker room and dropped our bags on the floor. Jon took my hand and pulled me to him and hugged me

"I love you Ang."

I smiled and kissed him "I love you too"

"I'm gonna go have a cigarette and get a bottle of want one?"

"Yes please."

"Alright I'll be back in a bit"

"I'll be here" I giggled

He pecked my lips and smiled "You better be"

I watched as he walked out of the door. I went over to my bags and dug around for my makeup case and went into the bathroom to freshen up a bit. I stood in the mirror and stared at my neck and sighed. I went through everything I had in my case to see if I had a way to cover it up, but quickly figured that I'm probably going to have someone in hair and make up do it for me. I heard the locker room door close and then lock and I smirked Ohh I see. I touched up the make up and walked out

"Well, that was fast. So....Colby?"

"Hey. You just left the other day. I didn't even know you'd gone. Angie I'm sorry for what happened between us. I...I don't even know how to explain it."

" was a mistake. You know Jon is going to be back soon and I don't think it's a good idea for you to be here."

"Angie...I.." He sighed in annoyance at himself "Look the other night was something I've been wanting to do for a long time alright. I'm sorry. I'm a guy...shoot don't belong with Jon. He's destroying you. I hate watching what he's done to you. When you first came here you..."

"When I first came here I had so many issues and problems. It wasn't me. So if you've had some little school boy crush on the me that came here almost 2 years ago I'm sorry you're going to be disappointed. That Angela doesn't exist anymore. Jon isn't destroying me. Jon is the best thing that's ever happened to me"

"Best thing that's ever happened to you?? Do you even hear yourself?"

He walked over with purpose and grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the bathroom. He threw open the door and pushed me inside and stood behind me. He moved my hair away from my neck

"Look at yourself! You see that?"  He pointed at my neck "That is from the best thing that's ever happened to you. And this right here..."  He pointed at my lip "That is from the best thing that's ever happened to you too."

"That was a misunderstanding"

He spun me around and held my face in his hands.

"Angela you are too smart, too nice, too fucking beautiful to be putting up with this bullshit. Jon does not deserve someone like you."

"OH? And YOU do?"

He leaned in and kissed me. I relaxed into the kiss and ran my fingers through his hair. This was so wrong. I knew it was wrong. He pulled away and removed my shirt and continued kissing me. He backed me against the wall and I shivered at the cold cement on my bare skin. Colby started nibbling on my earlobe and I quickly opened my eyes and swore I saw Jon in the mirror instead of Colby. I pushed him back

"No. Oh my can't happen ever again. This is wrong. I'm married. I love Jon. He's my everything and this is...I don't even know what it is, but it can't be happening. You need to leave. Please. Oh my God please leave."

I threw my shirt back on and followed him out and made sure he left. I felt so dirty. It felt so wrong. I started a shower and quickly stripped and stood under the hot water

Jon's POV

I heard the shower running and smirked to myself. I set the bottles of water down on a table, kicked off my shoes and made my way to the bathroom. I heard sobbing as I approached the door so I stepped inside to see what was going on. I pulled back the shower curtain and found Angie huddled in a ball. I turned off the water and threw a towel around her. I put my hand on her back and her head quickly turned towards me

"Angie what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry"

She was sobbing and just kept repeating that she was sorry. I was so confused. What did she have to be sorry for? Obviously something happened while I was out

"Talk to me...why are you sorry?  What happened?"

Shaking her head "You're going to hate me. You're going to leave me and I don't want you to go"

"Baby I don't know what you're talking about. Tell me what's wrong"


"Colby? Did you sleep with him again or something?"

She cried harder when I asked that question and my heart sank. Did she really do it again?? Here? I wasn't even gone that long.  I helped her up and she collapsed like a rag doll in my arms. 

"Answer me"

"No. He started kissing me and I pushed him away and made him leave. Please don't leave me Jon....please...I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. Jon please...please I love you"

"Angela calm down. I'm not leaving you. Not now, not ever. It's alright. Do you have feelings for Colby?"

"No, only feelings for you"

"Then you're fine. Come on, stop crying. Get yourself dried off and calmed down a bit and we'll talk OK. I'm not going anywhere. I'll just be right outside on the couch."

I kissed her forehead and left her there to get dressed. I was mad and annoyed. It was starting to feel like my best friend had feelings for my wife and it was causing more problems than it was worth. I trusted her to handle things, but it might be time for me to step in and make sure he understands he needs to stay away from my wife.

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