Not Happening

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I pulled the car up to the house and parked. My heart was racing, I felt dizzy and like I couldn't breathe. I looked over at Jon who was watching me. For appearance purposes we lived on a very nice block. You'd never know that anything horrifying ever happened in our house. Everyone had beautiful green lawns and everything was taken care of.  All of the houses were painted in whites, creams and earth tones and there wasn't a satellite dish to be seen. Every other house had a flag pole in the yard and those that didn't displayed it on their house. It was a typical all American neighborhood and this house to the right was anything but typical on the inside.

I felt so sick. I didn't even want to get out. Jon reached over and took my hand. I looked over and he smiled. I loved him so's why we were getting married in a few's why we're here today. We weren't asking permission or even telling our families. We just felt like it was the right thing to do to at least meet each other's families. I wish we hadn't agreed to this, but it was too late.

"Angie we can't sit here and stare at the house forever. I'm here. Don't worry."

I hadn't been home since I left when I turned 18. I hadn't stepped foot inside this house in just as long. When I was in NXT and Janelle would call me I would come to get her, but she met me down the street. I never actually went to the house...I couldn't do it...I still can't.  I sighed and reached for the handle and opened the door. I put my left leg out the door and froze. The door opened all of the way and Jon's hand was in front of me. I looked up and he smiled so I took his hand. He helped me out of the car and immediately pulled me to him for a reassuring hug.

"I love you" I sighed

"I love you too.  One hour...that's it. We only have to stay for one hour. Can you do it?"

I nodded and we headed towards the house. I could hear my dad screaming at my mom from the bottom of the driveway. Everything started to spin and I felt dizzy and I let go of Jon's hand and made a beeline to the street. I crouched down in front of the car and got sick.

Sighing "Oh's gonna be alright. You have me and that's all you need. Don't worry about what I think. I already know what to expect. We both have shitty parents so don't feel bad about what I do or don't see OK?"

He helped me to my feet and took my hand as we walked up towards the front of the house

Jon's POV:

She was really scared to be here and I wish I could make it better for her. I was beginning to wonder if this such a good idea at all. We didn't HAVE to do this, but I felt like it was the right thing to do if I was going to marry her. I guess it was a stupid idea now that I think about it. She was about to open the door when there was young girl climbing down the trellis on the side of the house. I gently elbowed her ribs and pointed. She let go of my hand and rushed over



They could've been twins. They looked so much alike, but her sister was a little taller and not as skinny. I stood there watching them. They were so close. You could tell just by the way they acted with each other. It was sad that their traumatizing childhood is what made them close like that. Angie came back over and grabbed my arm and rest her head on my shoulder

"This is my boyfriend, Jon. Jon, this is my little sister Janelle"

Something broke inside the house and the three of us looked towards the noise.  Janelle looked down and Angie sighed. I motioned for us to walk towards the car so we headed back down towards the street. I leaned against the car and pulled Angie against me and put my arms around her shoulders. I watched as she and Janelle just talked on and on and on. I wasn't even really paying attention to the conversation. In fact I was paying attention to Janelle. She and Angie looked so much alike, they laughed alike and had what seemed to be similar personalities. BUT there was something about Janelle that reminded me of the way Angie was when we first met. It took a long time for Angie to feel comfortable looking at someone in the eyes when they talked. Janelle avoided all gazes. She was shy and Angie wasn't. She was way more sensitive.  I could tell just by looking at her. She was cute...vulnerable...something about it turned me on. What the hell was I just thinking??  I shook my head and kissed Angie's cheek.

"Jon, maybe we should just go"

"If you want we can."


She turned around and gave me a questioning look. This was pointless. I met her sister and for me that was enough

"Yeah. I met Janelle and I think that's enough. I didn't realize that doing this was going to stress you out so much. I can't take another night without sleep and seeing you so afraid you can't even walk 10 ft to the front door without getting makes me really sad Angie. I really feel like the best thing for you is to just never come back. I'm serious Ang.  Janelle needs to get out her...get her an apartment or something to get her started. It's not good for either of you to be here."

" mom..."

I caressed her cheek and kissed her "I know Angie, but I think the best thing you can do to help her is to call the police. I don't think you're going to be able to reason with her after all of these years."

We said our goodbyes to Janelle and got in the car and headed for the airport. We sat at the terminal together with her head on my shoulder and my arms around her. I looked down at her sad face and sighed. She was so emotionally drained and ready to leave



"I love you. More than anything in this whole world"

I said it hoping she'd smile or maybe giggle. I do feel that way about her. I wouldn't just say it and have it be bullshit. She half smiled

"I love you too Jon. You're my everything. Thanks for all the stuff you did today. I really appreciate it and I'm sorry you didn't get to meet my parents. I wish you could've met my mom."

"Maybe some day."

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