It's Over

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I woke up alone, in my clothes and on top of the covers of the bed. My head was throbbing and so was my hand. I turned on the light and looked at my hand. It was cut up and bruised. I heard my phone beep to let me know there was a message. I slowly sat up and put my head in my hands. Gotta stop drinking like that. I made my way to the bathroom and took a few Tylenol and went over to my phone. I had a message from Angie, April and a message from Janelle

What are you talking about? I haven't decided anything

Sure you haven't Angie

Jon, the picture from Colby is nothing. Trust me. It's just Colby being an asshole.

Right. Stop covering for her lies April

I just saw her. She's not coming back Jon.

Did she tell you that?

I was trying to keep it together while I waited for her answer. I couldn't take the idea of Angie never coming back and never being able to see my daughter. I didn't want her being raised by Colby or anyone else.

She didn't tell me, but when I confronted her she wouldn't give me a straight answer. I know my sister and I can read it all over her face. She's not coming back.

My heart ached reading that. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say I just sat there staring at the screen; reading the text over and over. She's not coming back. I kept hearing it in my head. I felt like I couldn't breathe. Everywhere I went in this house was Angie. And the idea that I'm never going to see my daughter was completely breaking my heart beyond repair. I put my face in my hands and broke down.


I lifted my head from my hands and I swore I was dreaming so I put my face back in my hands

Angie's POV:

"Are you alright?"

He didn't answer and I was worried something was really wrong. I'd never seen him this emotional or upset. Was this MY fault? I walked over to him and softly stroked his hair

"Jon? Talk to me. Please. I saw the hole in the wall. What's going on?"

He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. He'd never done this in front of me let alone anyone else before. I was taken back by it and didn't really know what to do at first.

"Is this a dream?"

I half smiled and shook my head "No. I came here to get some of my stuff and found you like this. What is going on? Are you alright?"

He shook his head "No. Please Angie...please don't leave. I love you. I love us. I love Bailey and I just want everything go to back to the way it was. I can't stand the idea of never being able to see her. To hold either of you. I can't do this Angie. I know you don't love me anymore, but........"

He trailed off and put his head back down. I just stood there unable to think or even comprehend what was going on. He reached out and took my hand and I froze. I wasn't planning on any of this at all. I thought I was going to be able to come in, grab a few things and leave. I didn't expect to find him like this. Has it always been like this since I left?


He let go of my hand and stood up and started to walk away. He turned in the doorway

"I get it. I'll let you pack and leave."

My bottom lip started to tremble and my eyes welled up with tears. We just keep hurting each other over and over. I took a small bag and packed a few things and walked down the hall. I stopped and looked and the nursery and smiled. I felt like I was being watched so I turned and saw Jon quickly turn away as he sat on the couch. I took my bag and dropped it by the door and went back to Jon. He was already 3 beers in by this time. I sighed and took number 4 away from him and set it on the coffee table

"You got your stuff. You can go now."

"Jon...I haven't decided anything. Please try to understand."

"No, I get it. You've made it crystal clear. Look just have the papers sent to me. Quit dragging it out Angie. It's clear you don't want this anymore. It's obvious you have feelings for Colby. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry I wasn't enough, that I didn't trust you or believe in you and did the things I did to ruin this. You have absolutely no idea how much I love you. No idea at all."

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