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If we were meant to stay in one place, we'd have roots instead of feet, she said.


I am looking down the window, bored, at the green fields behind me, the train speeding towards my new home. I close my eyes for a moment and feel drawn into a peaceful sleep without dreams, but I am suddenly awakened by the whistling of the train announcing its arrival at the London train station. I get up quickly to take my luggage and feel a strong pain in my temples and a vague dizziness but I ignore it and head for the door of the compartment where I have been. The train suddenly stops in the station but I manage to keep my balance unlike the rest of the people in my compartment. I get off the train and am greeted by an overcrowded train station. I have never seen a place so crowded and full of such different people. You can see from people with important social status to people who were dressed in rags and don't seem to have eaten for a month. I have even seen children, to much for my liking, but the kind of children horrified by fate, the kind of children fighting for tomorrow. For a moment I feel my heart break in my chest but a different presence caught my attention and made me look at her with interest. There is a lady about my age who wore a long jacket and her head and face were covered with a scarf as black as the jacket. All I could see before she disappeared were her eyes. Blue eyes like the summer sky shining in the dim, yellow light of the station. I looked around the station curiously, hoping to find her again, but she had disappeared as quickly as she has appeared. I think maybe she wasn't from the area either, and I continued on my way. I got into a carriage in front of the station and asked the couch man to take me to Devils Acre. The road seemed awfully long but I FINALLY got to my new home. Casa dolce casa. Ok, maybe it's not the most wonderful house but at least I have a place to stay. The house is poor but on the ground floor there is a bar that will bring the money needed to maintain the house. The house with the bar was very cheap because it was located in Devils acre. When the owners got the money they needed to leave this awful place, they sold everything as soon as possible and disappeared. But since I didn't have much money, this house was only good for me because the maintenance of the bar would have brought enough money to live acceptably and quietly.
I go upstairs to set things up and go back down to the bar to open it. Since I don't have money for employees, I have to work at the bar counter myself.

A few hours later:

I was tired of the bar, I was starting to think of how long it was until it closed and the sun was starting to set when... The bar doors slammed against the wall and a woman came in with a smile that didn't inspire much confidence so I didn't put it in too much because no one here offered me a good feeling. She approached the bar and threw some money on the walnut counter and said ...

"A beer, darling."

I looked at her with disgust but I turned quickly and offered her the drink then she suddenly became serious and looked me in the eye as if she saw something that aroused her interest and said ...

"I know you. You're the girl at the train station! You aren't from here, huh?"
She was right, we had met before, she was the girl with blue eyes but now in the evening light they had a greenish tint.

"Charlwood street, 11 o'clock said the blonde suddenly."

"What the?"

"Don't pretend you haven't heard! Today at 11 o'clock to be where..."


Again, the door slammed oppened. It was already getting on my nerves!

"Stop slamming the door or you'll get it out of its way!" I shouted to be interrupted by the words of the one who came in so loud.

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