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Some of the greatest battles will be fought within the silent chambers of your own soul.


"So. This is the plan. We enter the station unobserved and get silently in to the train, we find the letters and get out. No need to kill anyone. Simple?"

"NO, not really... How could you go through so many enemies and don't get observed?"

"The Master said to learn you my ways so this is my way and you will do as I say."

"I think that you drank too much cause you're dreaming if you think that everything will go as you please..."

"No I haven't so please give me another beer."

"Sorry but this is my pub, and I make the rules and the rules say that we are not allowed to drink before a mission."

"Your pub? The Eagle?"

"Yes, what did you expect? That I will work for someone else? "

"No, maybe not."

Some time has passed and came the moment when they should go to the train station.

"To my carriage!" Said Austin and went to the door.

We arrived at the train station and climbed on the top of it to enter through an open window. From there we could see all the trains that come and go but only one was the one that we needed. We went down and blended through the people that were staying on the perons and started to approach the train but something wasn't right. Austin didn't say anything but I could feel it in my bones. The train wasn't protected by any blighters, which was kinda strange, so we entered silently and started to search for the letters.

"Austin, here. I found the letters for Italy. Now we just need to find the ones that we need."

But I couldn't enjoy it too much because a blighter entered the train and saw us.

"ASSASSINS! Ring the alarm!"

Yelled the brute before I threw a knife in his throat that silenced him forever.

"Get the letters and let's get out of here!" Said Austin.

"I can't! I don't know which ones are the ones that we need!"

"Leave the letters, three of them are coming!"

"I can stand them and you will find the letters!"

"Are you sure?"


I throwed a knife to the most powerful but he dodged it perfectly and then I gave a punch in the face to the woman from his right just too receive myself one from the other man. I got my kukri out and stabbed the brute in the shoulder then dodge the others man's attack and hitted him in the knee letting him screaming of pain on the floor. The only one still standing was the woman but on her face was spreading the fear. I couldn't have witnesses so I knocked her down just to hear that Austin found the letters.

"Got them! Let's go!"

We exited the building in haste and got in to the carige. After we got far enough we finally let our guard down and let out a heavy breath.

"That was funny!" I said laughing silently.

"Eh... What was that funny?"

"The fact that we couldn't find some stupid letters."

"I think it wasn't funny because we didn't respect the plan, but at least we have the letters."

"I told you that your plan will never work."

"Yeah, yeah..."

"So... Shall we open them?"

"No. We should get them to the Grand Master."

"But are for Italy! What if is something that concerns me!"

"I know but we should do our orders."


We entered the Headquarters and went to the room that was full of candles or how they liked to call it the room of light. There was supposed to be the Grand Master preparing another mission but the room was empty.

"So we have to wait, don't we?"

"So it appears..."
After some time lost doing absolutely nothing, the Grand Master decided to appear of course accompanied by the council. Who knows where have they've been.

"Master, all is done. said Austin."

"Is it?"

"Of course! Here you go."

"A good mission, I see. You've got the letters and your companion is still alive. "

"Yes, exactly how it was supposed to be."

"Thank you for the letters. You can go now."

"Won't you read them to us? I said for the first time in that evening."

"No, I will not. In here You're just a novice. I don't care what you we're in Italy but in here You're a new one so you are not supposed to know everything. Austin and Janette we're here for so many years, not like you. I can't trust you yet but in time I will... Austin, take her home please."

"Of course, Grand Master."

We exited the Headquarters to be greet by a cold nighty breeze and the silence of the night.

"I'm sorry that you couldn't read the letters..."

"It's okay..."

"Maybe I can find what is written in them and tell you."


"Don't be that sad! "

"I'm not sad, I'm concerned about the fact that maybe was something important. Maybe it was having to do with me. Maybe they found me."

"I don't think so. Cause you've been here for two days."

"You don't know who I'm dealing with."

"Maybe not but nobody could find you in just two days. You weren't to much time in the same place and you didn't meet anyone except me, my sister and the council."

"Yea, maybe you're right."

"Will you let me take you home? I really need to apologize to you in a way."

"No, thank you. I wanna be alone with my thoughts for a while."

"Ok... See ya later!"

I was left alone in the busy London. I wasn't too far away from the Devil's Acre so I decided to return on foot home. I wasn't paying attention to the road so I almost tripped on somebody. My brain was filled with so many bad scenarios and bad things. I couldn't think and the world was blurred by my thoughts. I was starting to shake and I was almost to faint when a hand grabbed me and the last things that I heard we're:

"Oh, dear we meet again! "

And then silence...


Sorry for the short chapter. Hope the next one will be longer.

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