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You could never forget the past but you can always accept it.


      I am woked up by the sun that was falling beautifully on my face and by the cold of the morning breeze. I was in a comfortable bed but it wasn't mine. I staid still for a moment but then when I realized that I'm not home I raised abruptly from the bed to be greeted by Janette who was staying in a beautiful rocking chair staring at me.

"So, you're awake..."

"Where am I?"

"At Red Lion. I rented a room for the night because I didn't know where you live."

"Oh, how can I repay you? And can you please tell me what happened last night?"

"Yes, we will discuss this later but now let's go down and drink something."

I knew where I was, I was at Red Lion, a bar that usually rents rooms for night activities, but I didn't knew how I've got in here. The last thing that I remembered was that I was with Austin at the HQ.

"So, whatcha drinking?"

"A glass of wiskey. I responded sleepily."

"Such a tough drink for the morning... "


"A SnakeBite."

"You don't let it any easier either."

  "You know me... I'm never easy." She said letting a smirk appear on her face.

"I don't really know you but I agree with that!" I said having a sip of my drink.

"About last night... I found you when I was heading towards the HQ and I wanted to greet you and to ask about the mission but you fainted. I didn't knew were you live so I brought you here."

"Thank you for everything. And I live at The Eagle pub. I own it. That's why I'm always there. So if you ever need me you can find me there."

"Yea, Austin told me but it was to late, you were already asleep... Have you anything to do today?"

"No, besides the bar of course."

"Then will you walk a bit with me? No one will come to the bar this early anyway."

"Yeah, why not."

She lead me to Austin's carriage and climbed up taking the reins in her chyan gloved hands leading the horses through the crowded streets. I always wondered why does she wears that colorful gloves. They are beautiful of course but they are SO colorful!

We were in front of the Elizabeth tower or how anyone called it, the great Big Ben.

"There you are!" she said handling me something looking like a hook.

"What's this?"

"It's a grappling hook. The latest invention stolen from some templars. Let me fix it to your bracer."

"Thank you."

We got on top of Big Ben to be greeted by the warm radiating sun. The view was mesmerizing!

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" she asked gazing at the stirred city.

"It reminds me about my mom. We loved to stay in high places and look down at the city. She was so beautiful and caring. What about your mom? You never said anything about her."

"That's because I never knew her very much..."

"Why? You weren't in good terms with her?"

"No, not at all! But she died when I was six so I don't have many memories of her."

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