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it was the middle of the school day and taehyung was making his way to the cafeteria since it's lunch period.

for some odd reason, he felt like someone is following him.

who could it be?

he's at school so it could be a student, or a teacher

if it would be a teacher then they would've called his name if they needed something from him.

so if it isn't a teacher then it's a student.

but who? he stopped his tracks and looked behind him, and there it was, it was a student.

it was seulgi. taehyung's least favorite person in the school. they both have their own drama together besides other things they deal with. and taehyung just wants to stop the nonsense,

but he can't.

because that witch will always try to find a way to make his blood boil to the point where he has to deal with the girl.

they haven't had any beef in a long time and he's sure she's gonna try and start some he can feel it.

which makes his blood boil.

"can i help you seulgi?" he said, giving her an uninterested look and seulgi giving the same look back.

"you know about the new kid right?" she said, taehyung nodding.

"i'm aware. why?" he said, sounding uninterested. "he interests me, i think I have a liking to him." taehyung tensed, he doesn't know why, just thinking of seulgi and jungkook dating just doesn't seem right. he stayed quiet, he didn't reply. "you don't even know him. why are you head over heels for him already?" taehyung said. seulgi shrugged. "I don't care if i don't know him, I can make him like me, easy enough" taehyung lowly grumbled "i don't care about your love life, fucking witch" he thought. seulgi smirked. "do whatever you want." he huffed and walked away, but was stopped by the brown haired girl again. "don't try doing anything funny taehyung, i know you're attracted to the boy. if you try to take him away from me your life will be a living hell." taehyung heavily sighed and continued walking to the cafeteria.

it was the end of the day and the silvered haired boy was heading to jungkook's house to start on a project that they were assigned to do on 4th period. he was only 5 minutes away so it was pretty close to his house.

once he made it to the brunette's house, he all of a sudden felt nervous, not because of lisa she doesn't really scare him that much but because.. he just doesn't know how to act towards the brunette, the boy makes him feel things he never felt towards another person after a long time.

he doesn't want to accept that yet

so he brushed it off and knocked on the door, waiting for the younger to open.

he heard faint foot steps from the brunettes house, he mentally prepared himself and tried calming his heartbeat from beating too fast. "calm down taehyung. its just for the project.." he said to himself. "your'e just gonna do the project with him, calm down." he then heard the door open and looked up. his cheeks flushed a bright pink once he saw the brunette's presence, jungkook was shirtless which showed his pale skin with build up abs, only wearing grey sweatpants. "oh! hey hyung! your early" he shyly smiled, ignoring how jungkook is literally shirtless in front of him. "uh- y-yeah! i am early..." his cheeks turned into a darker color of red and covered his face. jungkook raised an eyebrow at the silver haired boy. "whats wrong? are you sick?" taehyung shook his head, and pointed at the brunettes chest. "y-your s-shirtless-" jungkook now understood what the elder meant and he felt his cheeks heat up. "o-oh im sorry i didnt realize i was asleep and forgot to put a shirt on um..." he stuttered. "come in and sit on the couch ill be right back" taehyung quickly went inside and sat on the couch from the living room. jungkook ran up the stairs probably skipping 1 or 2steps and went to his room to put on a shirt.

"i can't believe he saw me shirtless... how embarrassing.." he thought. once he made it to his bedroom he went to his closet and found a random white plain shirt and made his way downstairs to the living room.

"you want anything? like some snacks or soda? juice?" taehyung smiled and nodded. "sure, i don't mind having some snacks while doing the project." the brunette nodded and went to the kitchen to get some snacks and cans of soda. while taehyung prepared the project and took out his school supplies. putting on his reading glasses. jungkook came back with the snacks and placed them on the coffee table. "you wear reading glasses?" taehyung nodded. "i'm not blind but it helps me read better." jungkook smiled and nodded. "it looks good on you" he cheekily said. taehyung blushed looking down smiling while fidgeting his fingers. quietly accepting the compliment.

"thank you.." jungkook softly smiled "you're welcome. i hope i get to see you where those glasses more often." he cheekily said. "are you asking me on a study date?" taehyung cheekily said back. "maybe... i would like that though. i like hanging out with you" he softly said. making taehyung's heart quicken, but it suddenly aches, remembering seulgi's words. his expression changed to a tense look. making the brunette worry. "are you alright? you don't look comfortable... are you feeling ill?" taehyung shook his head and planted a fake assuring smile, trying not to worry the brunette. "i am fine. just lost in thoughts.." he said in a soft voice. jungkook frowned.

"those thought don't seem good." he mumbled softly. "how about we start with the project and forget about it for awhile, what do you think hyung?" taehyung nodded and they both begun.

even though they just started, they couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable over the tension that's growing between the two young males. they give each other looks from time to time, slightly blushing when they caught themselves staring at one another. taehyung bit his bottom lip holding back his smile that's trying to grow on his face, while looking down at his unfinished work. while jungkook couldn't help but slightly smirk at the older's actions.

taehyung tried calming down is rapid heart beat while he's trying to continue on the project. jungkook could care less about the project, he just wanted to keep staring at the silver haired boy, admiring his cute small features on his face. the cute mole under his lower lip, one on his nose and another under his eyelid. he couldn't help but chuckle at the boy's actions. fidgeting with his fingers while nibbling his lower lip. "you look adorable" jungkook said. after realizing what he said his eyes widened. he meant to say it in his head.

taehyung slightly blushed a light pink. he nervously laughed and quietly thanked the younger's compliment.

after hours of trying to work on the project, they end up not finishing since they kept on talking about different things and forgetting that they had a project to do. "it's getting late.. i think i should head back home." taehyung said, still fidgeting with his fingers. jungkook nodded and smiled at the older. "i guess we should continue maybe tomorrow?" jungkook said, watching the elder pack up his things. "yeah sound fine with me, want me to come back to your house?" jungkook shook his head. "can i go to your house this time?" taehyung froze. he can't go to his house, he lives with jimin and hoseok and knowing them they're going to keep annoying them. "uh... i don't think... it would be a good idea..." taehyung muttered. jungkook frowned at the elder's answer. "why is that?" "i live with two of my best friends from school...." jungkook's frown deepened "okay... but what's wrong with that?" taehyung sighed at the younger's question. "they can get really loud and annoying. doing the project at my house is a bad idea, since they're just going to not let us work at all." taehyung spat not realizing he replied to the younger in a rude way. "oh.. well there's no need to be mad about it. it's fine with me." taehyung rose an eyebrow. "will you be able to handle those two idiots ?" jungkook chuckled at taehyung's childish response, and nodded. "let's do the project in my room though, since they are always in the living room either playing videogames, or watching movies." jungkook nodded in agreement and smiled at the elder, showing his cute bunny teeth. "alright then it is settled! see you tomorrow tae!" taehyung smiled and nodded. "bye gguk, see you tomorrow." he hanged his backpack on his shoulders and made his way to the door, leaving jungkook's house and making his way to his.


sorry for the long wait! i was actually supposed to add another small part to this chapter but i changed my mind.. this chapter is getting too long. and again i'm sorry you guys had to wait until next month... just saying this was made in june and it was published in july haha! anyways i hope everyone is doing okay and hope everyone is staying strong! love you all and i purple you💜

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