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Taehyung arrived home and went straight to his room. causing Jimin and Hoseok to frown deeply as they saw the younger not saying a word to them. he would usually be all giggly and happy when arriving which is something normal for the two older's. seeing the younger all depressed and gloomy is making the both of them worry. especially Jimin. 'i hope hes okay..' Jimin thought. Hoesok nudged him, making him turn his head towards the older. "whats wrong with him? didn't he went to that new kids house to do that project?" Jimin nodded looking down at the floor. "i hope it went well..." he mumbled quietly enough for Hoseok to hear. "it didn't look like it did- lets go talk to him" Jimin sighed and nodded, getting up from the couch, hoseok doing the same. they went up stairs and made there way to Taehyung's room.

Taehyung put his backpack down on the floor and made his way to his desk. he felt liking drawing something so that's what he did. 'i haven't drawn in awhile... i'm pretty sure its going be bad..' he thought to himself, reaching for his sketchbook that's on the shelf. he hasn't used his sketchbook in months. and hes pretty sure its all dusty from staying in his shelf for a really long time. but surprisingly its still clean and it could still be used. he brought it back to his desk and sat down, flipped through the pages of his old drawing, smiling at the cute birds and trees that he draws. he doesn't really draw people, more like he likes drawing nature. he finds it way more easier than drawing human beings. as he kept going through the old drawing until he stopped at one specific page. his smile immediately turned into a frown as he looked at the person he first drawn on his book, he felt his eyes water as he continued staring at the person he has drawn.

it was his old lover, Bogum.

he tried to hold in the tears that's about to fall, no. im not going to cry over him anymore.... i need to move on. like he said, hes not that good at sketching people, but when Bogum told him to draw him, he happily accepted. "ill do anything for you! so of course" he heard himself say, he couldn't help but let out a small sob, his tears didn't fall yet, but he let out a sob. he flipped the page to see the next drawing, but ended up with a blank page. he sighed and let the tears fall in defeat. why are you doing this to me Bogum? why did you have to die on me? i feel alone without you.... he let out a small cry as he got his art supplies and started sketching someone. not Bogum, but someone. as he continued sketching that person, he heard a knock on the door. he quickly wiped his tears with his sleeve, "w-who is it?" he shouted, trying not to sound like he broke down two seconds ago. "hey Tae! its us! Jimin and Hoseok" he cursed under his breath. he got up, forgetting about the unfinished sketch of the person and walked to the bedroom door, he opened and there was his two hyungs, their facial expression showing worry. "Taehyung! oh my were you crying?! are you okay!? come here!" Jimin pulled taehyung for a hug. he didn't move, he just stared at Hoseok who was staring back at him, also eyes full with worry. "i'm okay." Hoseok scoffed and cupped Taehyungs face, making him look at the older. "you're defiantly not okay! why were you crying? why didn't you tell us anything?" Taehyung didn't say anything. he continued staring at Hoseok, he sighed, not knowing he was holding his breath. he finally spoke. "i... i just miss him..." the both elders stayed quiet, waiting for the sillver haired boy to continue. "i miss him hyung... i miss bogum..." once he said bogum's name, he broke down and clenched Jimin's shirt and dug his face to his neck also, letting out the tears his been waiting to let out. Hoseok soften his eyes and went to hug the two younger's, giving them a big warm hug. "oh Tae... let it all out.." jimin whispered, in a soothing voice. making Taehyung cry harder. which the boy did not know was the two elder's were crying with him, letting there tears fall. they don't like it when Taehyung is crying. its just too much to bare that they can't help but cry with the younger.

"hyung's..." Taehyung said between his sobs. "hmm..." the both hyung's said in unison. "i don't want to stop liking him.... i want to continue loving but... hes gone" he continued crying shaking from the cold and from fear. "you can still love him..." Hoseok said, with an assuring voice. "but...but i can't" he cried out, his voice cracking at the end. the both males frowned. letting go of their small group hug, looking at taehyung. his nose was red from all the crying, his cheeks stained with his tears, and finally his eyes puffy from crying so much. its a sad but cute sight to see. "why is that..?" Jimin said wiping the upcoming tears that's about to fall from Taehyung's natrual grey orbs, beautiful and shiny.

"i think i like jungkook"

oh... well there you have it! double update ;) this isn't really a chapter, its more like a filler t what i was supposed to add on the last chapter... yeah i know its long, thats why i didn't want to add it :'D so hope you enjoyed this small filler. i tried not making this too cringe... anyway have a nice day/night! A/N out :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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