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A cold winter night. 12 packs are awaiting for the presence of the prophecer. Finally he steps out of the shadows and makes himself known to the packs. "I am here as you requested" "good" it was the pack leader of skyfire pack that had answered. "I new prophecy has come up" "what! Tell us" the pack leader has once again answered. "All of your childern shall be the only hope for the war to become. If they fail there is no hope for us" "but" "but the 13th pack also has a child who if wins againest the 12 you and the other 11 packs shall also perish or become their slaves" " But surely not every child is suitable for this war" "I am sorry but each of them must fight" "Then our son shall parish within a second of this battle". The pack leader for star pack had said. They all thought until they all agreed that they will do what they can.


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