Chapter 5

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Roman watched the two Lady’s storm back into the palace, leaving him alone with Lady Jenny, his Aunt. “What were you and Lady Pink-and-Sparkly talking about?” he asked, offering his Aunt his arm. To do one more lap around the garden before he led her back inside.

She laughed, the soft old woman laughed that made Roman’s heart flutter. He continued to offer her his kindest smile. “The future,” she said, dark eyes glowing with mischief.

“Aunt, you know you shouldn’t be meddling in people’s lives,” he said, a mock, soft scolding. “What did you used to say when I asked about my future?”

“A book if never as good if someone else spoils the ending,” she rehearsed, the same saying she had given Roman anytime he, or anyone else, asked if she could force a vision of their future. Roman had always huffed in annoyance. He really wanted to know, still did. He wasn’t prepared to read his book, if he didn’t like the contents or the ending.

“What did you tell her of her future?” he asked, snorting. He hadn’t wanted to say her name, or dwell on her too long. Already, his gut twisted in guilt in pity.

The way her mother had spoken to her even made Roman shift awkwardly on his feet. He had to look away incase High Lady Graceline turned to get verbal with him. Because the face he pulled wasn’t one that he should be pulling to any High Lady.

“Her destiny,” his Aunt said proudly. Holding her head high, as her shaking fingers dug into his arm. She must have been cold. Roman pressed his hands atop hers to warm it.

“Will you ever tell me about my destiny, my future?” Roman asked. He always took it upon himself to prod, hoping one day she’ll give him an answer. He never knew that maybe one day, she’d give in.

Today seemed to be a joke of a day. “It involves Lady Jysmn,” she said, a mischievous smirk winding onto her face.

Roman didn’t share in his Aunts bubbly spirit.

His mouth turned upwards at the thought of having a future with Jysmn Graceline. His jaw still ached, and he swore that it was swelling, and by tomorrow would be as purple as his Aunt’s violet dress.

“I can’t see everything, you know, but I can see that one day she’s going to make you a very happy man,” his Aunt said, staring up at the Palace, lit by fire, everyone having fun and dancing. Laughing, happy faces teasing him between windows as they held onto their hands, spinning in their dance. Consumed by one another to see anyone or anything else around them.

They made Roman’s stomach feel light almost to the point he wondered if it was throw up.

There was no a low Lord such as himself was going to end up happy, or involved, with a High Lady’s daughter. Especially the one who bruised his jaw this bad. To be honest, he had smiled when she fell to the ground, off the roof. A cart filled with fruits had been her crash landing.

The fruit vender had been determined to stab her to death, until they spotted the deep green of the palace guards, who were quick to scoop her up.

What she didn’t know, was that he fell from the roof too.

The power of his magic wrapped around his mind too, and he lost conscious for just a second. Long enough to realise he had lost balance, and fell straight onto the salt stained cobblestone.

The pains of his body had been nothing compared to his head.

“I think it’s time for you to go back inside now, Lady Jenny,” he said gently, stopping at the steps to the palace. His Aunt patted him gently on the face. He tried not to flinch as she touched his bruised jaw, which was stiffening.

“Such a handsome young man,” she gushed, before taking her time up the stairs. Roman smiled at her, as she spared him a look over her shoulder.

Pressing his hand to his jaw, trying to find any kind of placement or pressure that didn’t make him feel like he was going to rip his face off. His Aunt disappeared back into the palace, no doubt to gossip about Jysmn. Possibly even about him and Jysmn… Lady Jysmn.

“She can throw a punch, I’ll say,” Jed’s voice broke passed the crackling fire. Roman looked to him, to see him nursing a thick glass of brandy. His dark eyes mocked him louder than any words could.

Jed wore a black dress shirt and pants, nothing overly fancy about it. The fact that he had no doubt been standing here for quite sometime, meant that Kalila must not have been here yet. The only reason Jed would dare come to a party like this. Everything bit of Jed’s genetics screamed High Lord.

“It still hurts,” Roman complained, taking his hand away from the injury. “My Aunt had the audacity to say that I have a future with her. I think she was just teasing me.”

“Your Aunt never tells anyone about her visions,” Jed piped up, offering his support. Support that he wasn’t being threatened with Lady Jysmn. “Although…” Roman narrowed his eyes as his friend swirled his brandy. “She is the second born, unmarried, daughter of a High Lord on the King’s Council. Perhaps you should hope the future your Aunt has planned for you pans out.”

“I don’t care about things like that. What I do care about is not getting punched in the face, or told to marry brats,” Roman said sharply, his hand flexing, begging to touch his face again. To do anything to make the aching stop.

“You face is seriously not looking good,” Jed countered. He curled his lip up in distaste, taking a look at his friends injury. He offered his brandy to Roman, who didn’t complain when he threw it back. Fishing the magic-made ice cubes from the cup, he didn’t bother putting a cloth between him and the ice, as he pressed it to his face. He groaned in relief. “That’s what you get for getting on the wrong side of a fishermen… Fisherwoman?”

“Tasteful,” Roman mocked, flinching as his fingers grew painfully numb with the ice. But he didn’t dare take it away from his face.

“Well, I like her. Can I watch her hit you again?” Jed asked, chuckling with lightness Roman rarely saw from him.

“How many drinks have you had?” Roman demanded, narrowing his eyes at his friends.

“Of course, the only logical explanation for me wanting someone to hand your arse to you is because I’m drunk,” Jed snorted.

“There you boys are,” Kalila’s rocky voice snapped. The two men turned to see her standing in the doorway both his Aunt and Lady Jysmn had walked through. Jed straightened beside him, eyes trained on her.

Her red hair had been pulled into a intricate bun on top her head, two pieces dangling at the sides of her face in tight curls. The entire court of Lady’s were wearing their hair like that. It was the fashion at the moment. Her lean body was encased in emerald green material, the colours of the City of Balance. It was a shimmering material, reminding Roman of a present wrapping.

“Who punched Roman in the face?” she asked, eyebrows shooting into the air. He could see she tried to bite back her hysteria of laughs.

“Lady Jysmn,” Roman mumbled, his own brows setting into a look of disinterest, anger, even. He had been punched in the face, and had been too flabbergasted to react. Had stood there with his sword drawn like an idiot.

Kalila didn’t bother holding her laughs back. Once she had finished, she had spoken through panting breaths. “I like her.”

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