The Man On The Corner

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Dick POV
I wandered the streets with no purpose. Wally and I had a fight the other day.
"Dick where have you been?" Wally asked angrily as I entered the apartment. "I was just at work," I said calmly. "It's nearly three AM. Couldn't you have called or something?" He asked in an accusatory tone. "It isn't my fault I'm too busy to fulfill your need for attention," I snapped.
We fought for a few more minutes with our insults getting worse before I stormed out. Now I'm heading to work. I entered through the back of the building today. "Officer Grayson!" My boss called me over, "There has been a suspicious man sitting on the corner outside the station for almost three days. Hasn't moved for anything. Sits there looking around day and night. I'm sending a few officers to go remove him. In case he is dangerous I'd like to try a gentle approach and send you out alone first." I nodded, "Yes ma'am." I walked out of the building with my hand over my gun and walked to the corner. When I got there I was genuinely surprised. "Wally?" I asked. He stood up immediately, "Dick!" "So you are the suspicious man surveying the police station," I said. His face went white, "I didn't mean to come off as like that. I just wanted to see you. I couldn't find you so I've been waiting." I smiled a little, "You've been sitting here for three days?" "Look, I'm so sorry Dick. I love you so damn much. I was just so worried about you and I know I got mean. I'm so sorry. Please come back home. It is your apartment after all," he said begging me. I smiled and kissed his cheek, "I'm sorry too. I love you."

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