Psychic siblings

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Hello guys, I realised I wanted it to be a mysterious and adventurous story so I gave our favourite protagonists some psychic powers. I hope you enjoy! There'll be more to the story so wait. Thank You!!!

Keith: psychometry and mixed telepathy(he can hear and communicate with other  telepathics but he cannot hear other people's thoughts)

Kathy: telepathy but she has to concentrate a little to hear other people's thoughts

Keith's POV

After class was over, I walked out of the classroom to look for Roxanne and Kathy. My next class was after 10 minutes. A voice suddenly rings inside me.

Hey bro, today I made a new friend in biology. His name is Jayden and he's so sweet and cute and a telepathic himself. Can I bring him over, please?

Yeah, we are psychics. Well, I specialize in Psychometry while my sister is a telepathic girl. You know Psychometry as wikipedia names it. It means that I have memories that aren't mine. If I touch any object and concentrate with all my might, I can see memories associated with it. We both realised that we had psychic abilities when I was 13 and my baby sis 10. Ever since then our mom has been teaching us how to control them. Well, she knew how to since she herself knows Psychometry. You won't believe me when I say Kathy got her telepathy from our grandpa and my mother got her powers from my grandma. The only person who knows these stuff are my mom, my dad (well he knew since he is dead), Roxanne, Kathy, Alexis(one of the girls I saved and befriended), me and some of her psychic friends by the name of Ulaz, Thace, Kolivan, Regris, Antok and their kids who're also in this school.

Oh really finally my girl grew up. And yeah of course you can bring him, dear Kathy but beware of Shiro. Don't let him see guys together or he'll start an interrogation with that Jayden guy right here in the middle of the school.

You got it, bro. What is your next class?

Mathematics, you?

Mathematics too!! Too bad I am here at Principal Coran's office right now so I'll be a little late.

What did you do now, young lady?

Nothing. There were just some minor changes in my schedule that had to be fixed.

Okay... you seriously got me scared. Anyway, remember we have to meet the psychic kids today, right? Mother said that it would be good to keep in touch with them as we all know each other's secrets.

Of course I remember, you idiot. I've been waiting for this for so loooong.


Me too. And a guy is calling me right now, talk to you later?

Talk to you later, bye.


I turned to see who had shouted. Apperantly, it was the flirty, new kid. Before you ask any questions, yeah, I had totally saved his ass today because I've somehow felt connected to him. I don't know why, I just did and still do like I've known him for a long time. I think I  saw him somewhere but that's not possible cause I take the memories of so many stuff everyday just by touching or holding them. Plus, I have always saved other people from school bullies because I was also horribly bullied when I was younger. So, I know how it feels. Anyways, back to him.

"Why didn't you listen to me, Keith? I was calling you for so loooong."

"Just in deep thoughts". I lied. "But why are you calling me? Is something wrong?"

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