First move

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Happy pride month everybody!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈I hope you enjoy even though there is quarantine and lockdown everywhere.

Lance's POV

As I was dusting my clothes, Pidge came over me, she was grinning like a madman. "Hey Lance that was a good one. Weren't you scared even a bit from that jerk?"

"Nope. I know how to fight I learned self defence in middle school to defend myself and my sister Rachel from the bullies, I've seen worse. Leaving my problems aside, are you okay.... you were crying?"

"Nah, I wasn't crying. It was just an act."

"That was so realistic. It deserved an oscar award, Pidge."

"I know, right? Now let's go or else Hunk will worry."


"What's wrong? You sound quite discouraged and sad." She asked me with concern in her voice. I mean we're just friends for only a little while but I thought I could tell her my feelings and insecurities.

"Just thinking that I am not good enough for Keith. I mean I am just a boy from Cuba, I am not that popular and I don't even look that good and-"

"That's not true, silly. You know you're both made for each other, don't feel down because of it. Even though I would never admit it but Keith totally deserves you. He's a great guy. I like him a lot," she smirked at me as she knew I was getting a little jealous, "but only as a classmate, so don't worry Lance. I won't steal your Juliet." She added.

"Good for you, gremlin."

"Well, he once saved me and Hunk from Rick, an asshole and his lackeys."

"Don't say so much you're just making me falling for him harder when I know he'll never ever requite my feelings."

"Stop being overdramatic. I have to go out on a date with Roxy. So bye, dumbass."

"Bye, I have to pick up my siblings anyways." I said to her waving. Rachel texted me a while ago telling me she'll hang out with some of the girls anyways. Good for me.

3rd person's POV

Keith and Kathy were now sitting on Principal Coran's office, with their mother of course.

"Mrs Kogane, I am sorry we had to meet under these circumstances." Principal Coran said with a grim voice."Mr Rogers have complained that they have cheated on a math test today."

"Really? How?" Krolia was shocked and confusion clearly written on her face.

"Yeah, these brats here are just cheaters. No one ever got such high marks in that quiz. I tell you your kids are just pathetic. How did you raise them, Miss Kogane? I take it that you failed your duty as a parent, huh? You--"

"We didn't cheat, how can you seriously cheat on Mathematics, we just have to write formulas and explain how we solved the problem. Plus no one ever got full marks in this quiz. Since no one got everything correct anyways, so from whose sheet we will cheat?!" Keith ranted.

"And you literally have no right to talk to our mother like that. She is the best we could ask for and you also don't know our family, do you? So shut your damn mouth."

Everyone looked shocked., including Mr Rag (I personally love calling him that, he's a dick anyways) at Kathy's sudden outburst.

"I-I.. uh- actually--" Mr Rogers mumbled, unable to get a word out of his mouth.

"Mr Rogers, it was not good saying those..."inappropriate" things to a parent and I seriously don't tolerate this in my school. So apologize to the Koganes."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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