Flight BH83

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Look, I know that this story won't end up going how you expect it to. You might think, 'oh Noah, you came to win right? And surely that will happen because you're the smartest out of everyone on the show?'

Well, yes and no. I tried to win, but didn't get very far.

When I sent in my audition tape, (and I had to audition three times just to get a response), I didn't think much of it. I thought that it would just be another stupid reality TV show, and nothing very interesting would happen. Well, you know, I was so wrong. The wrongest I've been in my life, if you can believe it.

When I did get a message back from the host, Chris McClain, he told me I had gotten in. I was surprised. Well, surprised how you can expect a sixteen-year-old sarcastic boy to be. I told my parents, who, by the looks of it, were happy to get me out of the house.


They dropped me off at the airport two weeks later, wishing me luck. Yeah, like I'd need it. I'm gonna get as far as I can. Then they'll finally see my full potential and help me get into Harvard.

My flight left at noon, so I had plenty of time to prepare myself for the eight weeks of hell to come. There where a few other teens there at the airport, some of them looking as stressed as me. Look around them, I spotted one of the hottest guys I had seen in a long time. My gay-ass had to stop myself from drooling. His dark skin practically shone in the sunlight from the tall windows. His shaggy black hair looked like it had been brushed a minute ago, and was also shining. Every part of him shone. He was like a dream.

Dear god, let him be on the show.

"We are now calling passengers for flight BH83 to Muskoka, Ontario. If you have first class tickets, please start boarding now." Called a scratchy female voice from over the loudspeaker. The hot model-boy stood up, grabbing his suitcases and bags and headed to the gates. I couldn't help but stare at him. When I realized how weird that looked, I stopped, pulling out a book from my bag. I knew that it would be a while until I was called, because I had third-place tickets. Of course, because my filthy-rich parents can spend 80 million on a Mercedes, and not 300 dollars on first-class tickets for their son.

After a bit of reading and waiting, the speaker finally called third-place tickets. I shoved my copy of Stephen King's Cujo into my bag, not realizing that I had folded over the cover page, witch I had specifically told myself not to do.

I waited in line to get up to the gate, fumbling for my passport in my back pocket.


Looking around, I noticed that my passport was laying on the chair I had been sitting on for the last three hours. I didn't want to leave my place in line, so I had to improvise. I saw a larger blonde-haired boy rushing to get in line. I knew that the line wasn't going to get any longer, so I called out to the boy.


He turned, and I waved him over. "I'll let you have my place in line if you grab me my passport from the chair over there."

The boy smiled. "Sure!" He waddled over to my passport and picked it up. Returning to me, he handed me the passport, and I opened it to the page with my boarding pass. The boy stepped in front of me.

"Thanks man." I said.

"Oh no problem! I like helping people!" The boy answered. "My name's Owen! What's yours?"

"I'm Noah. You going to Total Drama Island?"

Owen nodded enthusiastically. "You too?"

I gave him a 'yes-side-smile'.

"Next!" The woman at the desk called. Owen handed her his passport, and she waved it under the scanner. "Thank you. Your seat is C72. Have a safe flight."

Owen smiled. "Thank you!"

He stopped just at the gate of the plane. "I'll wait for you, buddy!"

I rolled my eyes secretively. What have I gotten myself into...


I handed the woman my passport, and she flicked it under the scanner, just as she had done with Owen's. "You're good to go. You'll be seated at C73."

I took a deep sigh as she handed me back my passport. "Thank you." Now I have to sit beside him too?

I met Owen at the gate. "She didn't even wish me a safe flight. What did I do?" I said sarcastically. Owen laughed. I tried not to chuckle myself. Owen was one of those people who's laugh was practically contagious.

I had no problem getting on the stuffed plane, with my twig-like body, that I wasn't super proud of. Owen, on the other hand, had a few difficulties. I had to practically pull him through the crowd to get to our seats. I let him have the aisle seat, just so that if he had to go to the bathroom it wouldn't be a big problem. At least not for me.

After the whole safety demonstration (witch I barley ever payed attention to), we lifted off the ground.

Now what I didn't know, is that Owen had a fear of flying. As soon as we had gotten into the air, he let out a scream. My heart started racing. I wasn't about to have every other passenger look at us, let alone the hot-model-guy, even though he was in first-class. I took my pillow and muffed Owen's scream with it.

That came out way weirder than I thought. I'm not a murderer, I promise.

"Owen, buddy. It'll be okay."

Owen's screams died down to quick, unstable breaths. "I just need food, then I'll be okay."

I nodded. I dug through my bag and pulled out a chocolate bar, an apple and a tuna sandwich that I hadn't eaten, mostly because I think that tuna is one of the most repulsive things on this earth. I handed them over to Owen, who immediately unwrapped the chocolate bar. 

Soon enough, he was asleep beside be, snoring soundly. As were most other people on the plane. I could live with that.

Gazing out the window, I sighed. Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought it will be. But who knows.

Life seems to hate me sometimes.

What do you guys think of the first chapter? I'll continue to update as often as I can, witch will most likely be every day or every other day.

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